"Rucker Orr, and the Jolly Roger"
What does it take to drive a Sportsman car on a 3/8th oval dirt track ?, that has been a question I have wanted answered for years?.
One thing for sure it takes a driver with nerves of steel, and someone that knows what his car is like, someone that has taken the inspection of the car to every extreme, and someone that is not afraid of getting their hands dirty, as they tune the car to it's utmost.
There is one driver that falls into this category and has proved his car can win on any given Saturday night when he is racing at West Georgia Speedway in Whitesburg, Georgia.
You couldn't miss him if you tried, just gaze around the track and you will see a huge white semi tractor/that has a car hauler, and on the back is Rucker Orr's signature "Jolly Roger skull and crossbones" flag that he has waving in the wind as he travels down the highways.
Rucker is a legend himself, I know that he has been in some great races and fought off some of the best drivers, then there have been nights when his car would completely give away and let him down, and that is not like Rucker.
When he pulls his #99 on to the track and lines up, Rucker is ready to run and give it his best shot. He has been is some amazing crashes that I have had the opportunity to film, and one in particular he had no part of but was blamed by another driver. His car at that time was black and it was #K7, this year his car is a bright yellow and has the number on the side #99, so when he is racing there is no way you can not see his car.
Fans at West Georgia Speedway are mixed regarding Rucker, they tend to root for the #G1 of Newnan Georgia's Glenn McWaters, who has been a regular winner in this division. Then again times have changed and Rucker is on a roll wining big time races.
Racing in this Sportsman class is not easy as there are several other top notch drivers that can make things difficult to win on a Saturday night.
Not only is there #G1 of Glenn McWaters you have the young 23 year old driver that is up and coming in car #15 of Aubrey Merritt, plus you have to throw in other top notch drivers like the #4 of Ted Ray, known as "The Bear".
Things can get really exciting as you see cars in double file round turn 2 and head down the backstretch gaining speed and then getting ready to round turn 3 where the green flag is about to be thrown. Fans are standing knowing that anything can happen on the start of a race and who ever can make it through turn one and head into turn 2 without being in a wreck then you know that driver has that sigh of relief. Still the race is not over until the flagman throws the white flag and that lead car takes it and comes around and passes the flag stand where the checked flag is being waved, not that is the best sight any driver can have. You have to remember winning a race at West Georgia Speedway is more than a accomplishment it is a total "Feat" and a driver needs to celebrate and enjoy his win, because he has not only beaten other drivers he has beaten the old speedway itself.
These are some hard core facts, winning is great but being a great driver is better, and having a personality like Rucker Orr is something itself. If you want to meet one of the best drivers an one that will talk to you and not be so standoffish like some of the big time racers, then you need to meet Rucker Orr. He is in a class of his own and words can not describe how super a person he can be. This includes his entire pit crew and those that help him in every way.
If you want to see someone that comes to a track to race and win, then all you have to do is watch #99 of Rucker Orr, he is a top driver that has had some outstanding luck as he has been a winner at West Georgia Speedway at least 6 times in a row.
Story and Photo's by Tino Patti (an MSN Reporter) My Blog story
What does it take to drive a Sportsman car on a 3/8th oval dirt track ?, that has been a question I have wanted answered for years?.
One thing for sure it takes a driver with nerves of steel, and someone that knows what his car is like, someone that has taken the inspection of the car to every extreme, and someone that is not afraid of getting their hands dirty, as they tune the car to it's utmost.
There is one driver that falls into this category and has proved his car can win on any given Saturday night when he is racing at West Georgia Speedway in Whitesburg, Georgia.
You couldn't miss him if you tried, just gaze around the track and you will see a huge white semi tractor/that has a car hauler, and on the back is Rucker Orr's signature "Jolly Roger skull and crossbones" flag that he has waving in the wind as he travels down the highways.
Rucker is a legend himself, I know that he has been in some great races and fought off some of the best drivers, then there have been nights when his car would completely give away and let him down, and that is not like Rucker.
When he pulls his #99 on to the track and lines up, Rucker is ready to run and give it his best shot. He has been is some amazing crashes that I have had the opportunity to film, and one in particular he had no part of but was blamed by another driver. His car at that time was black and it was #K7, this year his car is a bright yellow and has the number on the side #99, so when he is racing there is no way you can not see his car.
Fans at West Georgia Speedway are mixed regarding Rucker, they tend to root for the #G1 of Newnan Georgia's Glenn McWaters, who has been a regular winner in this division. Then again times have changed and Rucker is on a roll wining big time races.
Racing in this Sportsman class is not easy as there are several other top notch drivers that can make things difficult to win on a Saturday night.
Not only is there #G1 of Glenn McWaters you have the young 23 year old driver that is up and coming in car #15 of Aubrey Merritt, plus you have to throw in other top notch drivers like the #4 of Ted Ray, known as "The Bear".
Things can get really exciting as you see cars in double file round turn 2 and head down the backstretch gaining speed and then getting ready to round turn 3 where the green flag is about to be thrown. Fans are standing knowing that anything can happen on the start of a race and who ever can make it through turn one and head into turn 2 without being in a wreck then you know that driver has that sigh of relief. Still the race is not over until the flagman throws the white flag and that lead car takes it and comes around and passes the flag stand where the checked flag is being waved, not that is the best sight any driver can have. You have to remember winning a race at West Georgia Speedway is more than a accomplishment it is a total "Feat" and a driver needs to celebrate and enjoy his win, because he has not only beaten other drivers he has beaten the old speedway itself.
These are some hard core facts, winning is great but being a great driver is better, and having a personality like Rucker Orr is something itself. If you want to meet one of the best drivers an one that will talk to you and not be so standoffish like some of the big time racers, then you need to meet Rucker Orr. He is in a class of his own and words can not describe how super a person he can be. This includes his entire pit crew and those that help him in every way.
If you want to see someone that comes to a track to race and win, then all you have to do is watch #99 of Rucker Orr, he is a top driver that has had some outstanding luck as he has been a winner at West Georgia Speedway at least 6 times in a row.
Story and Photo's by Tino Patti (an MSN Reporter) My Blog story