Like a machine that takes your money, and you know there is no one there to replace what you lost so you want to kick the damn machine until it is no longer useful. People can be the same way, I mean you work so hard at trying to please folks and build up a following only to have some freaks shut you down.
Well Racing and Machines are the same, some are useful and some are USELESS.
Photography can be great then again it can be a royal pain, I mean look at all the camera gear you have and all the money you have invested, it's more that you can imagine, and then have someone take you on a photo shot, everything seems great until you find out after the shoot that you are not getting paid, because your NOT a Professional. Break my neck, or their neck is what you want to do. If someone ever tells you are in TRAINING, and that is why your not being paid, walk away as fast as you can, because you are being called a sucker.
Even working at let's say WALMART when you are working EVEN in the training period YOUR GETTING PAID, think about it.
It was HOT as HELL in Georgia on Saturday and Sunday Oct.30, 31st, 2008 the place Road Atlanta as I was just one of the photographers covering the Suzuki Super Bike Show. Motorcycles that were racing at high speeds over 200 mph, on the straights, and then there were the young kids, from 12-16 years of age riding for Red Bull, these kids, could handle a bike at well over 160 mph. They were amazing, and a joy to watch as well as photograph.
I met the officials at Road Atlanta and they are top class people, and they run the track like it should be run. If you can get Speed Channel to broadcast the event you know your event is among the top events in racing.
I was there, as I said photographing for a local magazine, and while there I was with a gentleman named Leon McVay, he was a class one photographer and taught me things in his time and did not rush me he helped me learn in ways that I can never repay him. He is a CLASS 1 Photographer.
Needless to say, I was with him more than I was with the general manager of the Local Magazine, I was there walking and learning from him, I watched him shoot, I listened to every word he was saying, because I knew I was learning. All I can say is Leon Mcvay is one hell of a photographer and I would like to work under him where ever he shoots events. Learning is something I love. Thank You Leon!.
Back to the local magazine, I was writing for it at one time, and I was told "Writer's do not get paid for their articles as well as photo's", something was wrong then but I never picked up on it, I guess I am a slow learner. NOT ANYMORE, I have learned that if you are not getting pay ,hey walk away.
If you have a job, and it does not pay why do your best, sure you want the best because every shot represents YOU as a Photographer. Every Time you take a photo of someone or something you had better do your best and give it your all. Now if you are out in nature and away from the paying public, hey take your time and enjoy life. Get away and smell the roses, but when you are shooting for cash, make sure you act like a professional and shoot like one.
West Georgia Speedway is one place that needs help, I mean there are some of the finest drivers at that track, This is a historic track and is run by some great people, and I love to see the dust flying as cars enter turn one after taking the green flag.
If you really want to see some great racing action, take your family down to West Georgia Speedway on a Saturday night and watch the action, you will have plenty of fun.
This is a family racetrack and you will be treated like gold when you get there, so come on down to WGS and watch some great races.
Tino Patti