We need to elect Donald J.Trump and bring this COUNTRY back to #1 and not be a laughing stock, please watch this video and decide. Remember as GAS Prices soar, just remember this man that fires the people does it because he cares.
Friday, February 25, 2011
We need to elect Donald J.Trump and bring this COUNTRY back to #1 and not be a laughing stock, please watch this video and decide. Remember as GAS Prices soar, just remember this man that fires the people does it because he cares.
Monday, February 21, 2011

That's right TREVOR BAYNE joins the lists of names that have won the Daytona 500 something every driver dreams of doing.
This is proof that anyone can win in any race, so young drivers don't give up!
10 years ago, a legend was killed in NASCAR, Dale Earnhardt Sr. in a freak of a crash, that almost looked like the one Dale Jr was involved in.Racing FANS of all ages,
on lap 3 showed their allegiance to the "Man in Black"
The lap 3 was SILENT
But lap 4 was get in on again!
The day was set, with some of the best Super Star drivers, like Jeff Gorden, Dale Earnhardt Jr, Tony Stewart, Mark Martin, Jimmy Johnson, Kyle Busch, and so many more.
Who would ever have dreamed of a young 20 year old rookie would start the Daytona 500 and would WIN in a famous Wood Brothers car.
No one had heard of Trevor Bayne, sure he was a young rookie, but we had super stars racing against him. Drivers that had won the big races in the best of times.
Who ever heard of Trevor Bayne?
One thing for sure Bayne was a cool cat, making it through a 15 car wreck, driving like he was a veteran, just following the best of the best and staying out of trouble. and His car at the end crossed the line ahead of drivers like Tony Stewart and Dale Earnhardt Jr. When they were a lap away from a green white checked flag, I could see Trevor was side by side with Tony Stewart with Dale Jr. sitting behind him, and we all know "SMOKE" or Tony could had the potential of blowing this youngster away.
But when the green dropped, Stewart and Earnhardt Jr, instead of going forward went backward, which proved to me their cars were not right.
Does this car look familiar, if so this was the car "The Silver Fox" David Pearson drove back in the 70's winning races, Trevor Bayne drove the Wood brothers #21 car that did not even have a dent on it to victory in the Daytona 500 on Feb.20, 2011.
Bayne leaped out of his winning car, still in unbelief that he had really won the Daytona 500.
The win brought back old racing times, when the KING Richard Petty would battle David Pearson known as the "Silver Fox". The winning circle would see drivers and pit crews from other drivers and owners blanket Trevor's car all congratulating him on his 1st win, and what a win.
Crossing the line with the checkered in the air, Trevor was heard on his radio "Is this true", back came the reply "Trevor Your the Man", he was still in disbelief.
Senoia Raceway, will be the place to be April 2, 2011 when Chad Harrington drops the green and racing dirt track Southern Style gets it on again!.
Dirt track drivers are the same, every Saturday night they are on a mission to win, to be the coolest cat on the track, just waiting for the right time to get up and go!
Drivers like Billy Bright Sr have been in the dirt track wars and won.
He will be back in the B-Cadet feature going up his son Billy Bright Jr, who knows how to win, passing cars left and right, making moves only late model drivers try.
His son Billy Bright Jr. is a proven winner and the show down will be when father and son battle each other on the track, but once the green drops family member or not all bets are off, its dirt track racing at it's best.
Now take #4 Michael Nelms out of Enduro and he will be running B-Cadet you will have a battle all season long, because Nelms is known for winning and when he ran enduro he would win every night, B-Cadet will be tougher and he will have his hands full.
Lets throw #3 Big Jeff Carter into the mix and now we are racing, Carter known as "The Magic Man" can make things happen when his car is right. We have news and a rumor that his son Robbie Carter who ran pure mini has moved up to B-Cadet and will be racing against his father, so you see the battles are brewing.
Tim and Tony Moses are making sure that family fun is brought back to New Senoia Raceway with lots of things happening to make being at the track a place for all families to bring their children and friends. Plus I know for a fact the food is the best in the South, also not over priced and well worth eating at the track.
I have talked about B-Cadet races, hey what about HOBBY well if you think B-Cadet will be wild again #41 Scott Sherrer brings his championship car back to race against some of the finest hobby car drivers from Georgia and Alabama. Winning at New Senoia Raceway is like winning at Daytona, you will always be remembered.
The Crate Late Models will be back, and the action will be fast and furious, these cars are just below the limited late models, but they show speed like never before. Drivers like Craig Scott known as the "Zero Hero". Plus drivers like young and talented #M96 of Marty Lundsford, and young gun #18 Matt Dooley, who will looking for some wins in 2011.
But when their action is over, is it's time to bring on the Limited Late Models, these are the drivers people pay to see, drivers like #11 "Little Joe" Armistead Jr, who is the man with the bulls eyes because of his many wins.
Then there are the super drivers like #73 "Racing Jason Williams, and his partner in crime #25 Scott Duffey, who can and will show the way if his car is right.
Don't forget #99 Rucker Orr who plans on this season not being a bridesmaid and taking 2ND most of the time this could be Orr's year to blossom.
When all else fails we have a father and son battle in Limited Late Model as #9 Shane Fulcher shares the same feature with his father who will be driving car #29.
Seems like New Senoia Raceway is going to have lots of Father vs Son races, which should make for some great blogging. Thanks to the Brights, the Carters, and the Fulcher's.

Also Thank You Tim and Tony Moses and everyone of the staff at New Senoia Raceway that will bring some excitement to a Saturday nights entertainment.
Please remember I will be filming every feature this 2011 season, plus writing blogs weekly, keeping you up with the action and results.
Remember all DVD prices are $ 25.00 so please help me and watch the races during the winter times when we are snowed in. Just ask for TINO, pure Mini cars will be asked for a $5 deposit, with only $ 20 at pick up day these will keep down my loses of DVD's ordered and NOT picked up.
"Let's Go Racing Boys", Fans get ready for the greatest shows on earth!
Many Thanks,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG Following!
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mr.Obama you may be receiving that call to make sure all your things are to be moved out, because the DON is moving in and taking America back.

Obama said that we would have "HOPE", now we are HOPELESSLY Looking for Jobs in America.

If Trump has his way he will be calling President Obama and letting him know his stay is up in the White House and now its time for a real America leader, that holds nothing back.

One of my favorite captions, when President Obama had a high priced dinner and in all places a TENT this is when the lady and the man got passed security and shook hands with the President and his wife, great security check right?.
One thing you won't see is Donald Trump "BOWING" to foreign kings.

BOWING, Shame on President Obama, SHAME.

Bring BACK AMERICA as #1
Let the Pride of America SHINE again, let other countries LOOK UP TOO US as being a leader, lets bring America Back to where this Country is known as a leader and not a follower, Lets make sure Donald Trump if he runs WINS and lets take this COUNTRY BACK.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Ready To Go Racing


Watch time trials for Daytona on today on FOX, but the real 500 begins on Feb.20, 2011, when we all hear

Sure there will be tons of fans there and tons of fans watching on TV, because this is the start of racing action and everyone watches the Daytona 500, maybe not every lap but they are watching, between naps.
More at fixin a wrecked NASCAR ,,, much more.
Payin lawyer and doctor bills , they have the cash
Bond who knows, the Nascar boys have plenty of cash for bail
Decking the SOB is the best, make sure NO camera's are watching you, make him get the POINT.
The prices you see on this shirt or for " DIRT TRACK DRIVERS ONLY".

The famous sign off of Hwy 16 leading to 171 Brown Rd, that leads us into Senoia Raceway,,,,a sign you can't miss.
Now when New Senoia Raceway turns on the lights on April 2,2011 "NO ONE WILL BE SITTING DOWN" , Dirt track racing is so much different than asphalt racing.
In Asphalt its called follow the leader, in Dirt track racing its called go around a driver or move him.
In Dirt track racin

Veteran of Hobby Car wars, #K1 Kip Stanfill Dreams the dream of winning at Senoia.
When the Hobby cars take the track it's a whole new world, you always have the great drivers, like champions like #41 Big Scott Sherrer, also #4M of Winford Minix, and who is not to say will could even be seeing #K1 of returning back to the dirt Kip Stanfill, a legend at 7 Flags Speedway. Now add in some really more class Hobby drivers and you will really see some super Hobby car racing.
Then we can bring on the B-Cadet Feature, and this year fans, I am not going to disappoint you by saying it is going to be a beat and bang race, with a legend returning #B7 Billy Bright Sr. dueling with son and hot shot driver #B7Jr, Billy Bright Jr, no love loss on the track, and they will battle each other for bragging rights.
Throw in #T7 of Tim Bright and the stage is set, except we will not leave out #25 of young Bobby Slautson, and a winning driver in his own right #3 Big Jeff Carter and his rival #29 Rusty Johnson whose number is subject to change.
You add in some more class B-Cadet drivers and this is not a feature it becomes a war on wheels.
If that is not enough racing let them Late Crate Models take the track with class drivers like #11 Lavon Sparks, plus #M96 of young Marty Lundsford, #18 Matt Dooley, plus more and more and more.
"Lets GO Racing MEN", also thanks Tim and Tony Moses and their complete staff at New Senoia Raceway for making this to bring a family on a Saturday night of fun, food and racing action in the clean confines of New Senoia Raceway".
With a World Wide Racing BLOG Following !
Catch me on Face Book and say HELLO, thanks again, Tino
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What a WHIRLWIND, I have been through, I mean sure my wife has been sick, but she is getting better she still has to be on Dialysis 3 days a week, and that will be hard on her as well as me. But like everything in life, GOD has a plan and I am on a course for whatever happens.
I believe I have become a "Droidhead" , meaning that once you learn the phone you get a addicted and that can be a great thing.
NOW we are all ready for the smell of fuel and fired up dirt track racing, I mean we have had a off season, now it is time to get back to the basics and the fun and excitement of Dirt Track action down at New Senoia Raceway, in Senoia Georgia.

Sure we have to get passed the Daytona 500, but then starting April 2, 2011 the nights will again be turned on and racing will again happen at Senoia raceway.

But then on April 2, 2011 New Senoia Raceway comes to life and drivers again from all over can "Come and Play in the Clay".
One thing for sure Tim and Tony Moses will be making sure that every fan and driver gets their moneys worth of action.
Lots of family events will be held, making New Senoia Raceway a place for a great Saturday night of fun, good clean American fun for families of all sizes.
I know I am looking forward to the mid summer demolition derby of of all thing "Mini Vans", so that should be exciting.
There will be the old time favorite of watermelon eating contest, plus bike races for the kids, and drivers will sign autographs and make every one feel welcome.
There is supposed to be a "SUPER LATE MODEL" race in the works and if I know Tim Moses he can pull the strings and deals to make it happen.
In other racing news don't forget the B-Cadet races should take on extra meaning as Billy Bright Sr battles Billy Bright Jr. add in Tim Bright and a Enduro winning for years Michael Nelms and you will see some outstanding drivers. Now if you add in Jeff Carter and Rusty Johnson plus who knows who else will be on the same track and in the same feature, it will be wild awsome night of racing acton.
Later the Crate Late Models will come out on the track and you will see some of the souths best drivers, like Lavon Sparks, Craig Scott, Matt Dooley plus Marty Lundsford, two young guns in the racing world.
Then the race everyone comes to see, the Limited Late Models featuring drivers that know how to win, like #21 Little Joe Armistead, #73 Racing Jason Williams, #9 Shane Fulcher, and his father in the #29 car, again father and son. Now add in #99 Rucker Orr and #33 Brian Reese and you will see some super fast racing action, and I am not leaving out #25 "Mr.Class" Scott Duffey who when he is there will run with the best of them.
Again at Senoia you never know who will make the show, drivers like the legend Mike Head could be back, plus #21c of all time favorite young Kenny Collins who can and is one heck of a winning driver.
When all the dust is over "DON'T LEAVE" the pure mini drivers will be taking the track and drivers like, Russell Bright, Matt Black, Stephen Hill, Dusty Jones, Bo Chambers, and Rocky Johnson and Joe Spencer. Plus more and you will see some of the best pure mini drivers in Georgia and Alabama, these are men fired up just as much as driver in Limited Late Model races and they show their excitement.
So if everything goes good I am asking everyone to please be there opening night at Senoia Raceway on April 2, 2011 and bring your friends.
Once some one learns to watch a dirt track race they will never like watching asphalt racing as much as it is exciting every Sunday after noon.
"Lets go, racing", bring on the practices in March and lets go racing in April, and lets get it on!
Many Thanks ,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG following !.