Thanks to everyone that made
little children smile every Saturdaynight, you don't know how much you have meant in their lives.

Thanks TED for being the VOICE of New Senoia Raceway, I have learned things from you that I never knew I could are would. You helped me get through some tough times when I lost my wife, and I will always thank you, one thing for sure is I can always hear you say "Let Go Play in the Clay", something that rings out every time I think of you.

Thanks Tony Moses for keeping the track as well as could be expected and thanks for just smiling and being a friend though I never got close to you, you are still special.

In all joking Harrington was born in 72, so figure out the math and you will know his age.

When the crate cars take the track will again #91 Todd Darda prove he is the master or will he be challenged by #16 Trey White, or what about #17 of Richie Williams.
Thanks to every driver that has purchased a DVD from me, it is with many thanks I come here and thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know my wife was unable to attend the races at Senoia because of illness, but she was there watching every Sunday or Monday when I was making copies for drivers, and she was amazed at what she saw. She made many friends that she never got to meet like the great Lisa Carter, and Jeff Carter, a special family.
And I want to thank the drivers that never bought a DVD from me, I am sad you never did but hope in the future you will. I know my wife has the best seat in the house on race night, high in heaven watching you daring drivers push your cars to new limits.
But every eye will be on Sparks and Williams for the Late Model POINTS Lead.....so watch close. Neither driver will be slowing down or backing up, this will be the race of the year.
Please remember DVD's of all races from 2011 and 2010 are available at your request for $25.00 please remember to help me out in any way you can. I thank you in advance.

Thanks to Security for all the great help, getting
me in and out of the track
when my wife was still alive and Yeah thanks for standing on one leg when Ted asked you too, that proves you are the best there is.I needed to shut down and get home, you were special.
Thanks TED for being the VOICE of New Senoia Raceway, I have learned things from you that I never knew I could are would. You helped me get through some tough times when I lost my wife, and I will always thank you, one thing for sure is I can always hear you say "Let Go Play in the Clay", something that rings out every time I think of you.

Thanks Amey Moses for all the great smiles!

Thanks Tony Moses for keeping the track as well as could be expected and thanks for just smiling and being a friend though I never got close to you, you are still special.

Special thank to Tim Moses, who took me from West Georgia Speedway and gave me a chance to show what I could do filming some of the greatest races at Senoia being their and understanding. 2010, I would have never known that in 2011 in April, that my wife would pass away and Tim was the first person I called when she was pronounced dead at the hospital, thanks Tim
Thank You Tim for being there for me that just proves you are a class act gentleman.
The showdown begins this Saturday Night at New Senoia Raceway, as the racing season comes to a end, but it will be a close finish for 2 drivers, Late Model driver Levon Sparks and Racing Jason Williams, both tied...or a few points separating them.

Chad Harrington, the "OLD MAN" 72 years of age in the flag stand makes sure every car is lined up and no one gets a cheat with a fast start. Chad is well known, for showing his BLACK GLOVE to drivers that don't mind.
Harrington has been flaging for years and has become the man that you come to watch when at a race, because of his doubled checkered and flags flying over the winning car, no one does it better.
In all joking Harrington was born in 72, so figure out the math and you will know his age.
Thanks to Chad Harrington, for making dirt track racing fun again, as photographer I have seen them all and none is better at his job than Chad Harrington. He is amazing and the race becomes secondary, just watching him flag is worth the price of admission.
Drivers in every class will
have what Tim Moses calls a Championship night of racing, featuring #07 Clifton Hog Head Moran, w
ho has dominated the hobby racing at Senoia all year long.
Winning on Sept 17,2011 was again Clifton Moran Hog Head...better known as.

Thanks to all the amazing fans that packed Senoia Raceway every night, your the best.

Thanks to all the amazing fans that packed Senoia Raceway every night, your the best.

To the B-Cadet races featuring the man on top
of the points Mr.Jeff Carter, in his famous #03 car that is worn down from all the racing and beating it has taken during the year, one thing for sure Jeff never hold back and I don't see him going down without a fight during the last race of the season.
t 17, 2011 was none other than #17 Marcus Caswell a legend in racing history.
But then again #24c Corey Payton has showed some courage as a young driver, and I believe he is a up and coming superstar, just watching him drive and the way he walks and talks shows he is a fan favorite and will be in 2012 as well.
When the crate cars take the track will again #91 Todd Darda prove he is the master or will he be challenged by #16 Trey White, or what about #17 of Richie Williams.
Thanks to every driver that has purchased a DVD from me, it is with many thanks I come here and thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know my wife was unable to attend the races at Senoia because of illness, but she was there watching every Sunday or Monday when I was making copies for drivers, and she was amazed at what she saw. She made many friends that she never got to meet like the great Lisa Carter, and Jeff Carter, a special family.
And I want to thank the drivers that never bought a DVD from me, I am sad you never did but hope in the future you will. I know my wife has the best seat in the house on race night, high in heaven watching you daring drivers push your cars to new limits.
When the Pure Mini cars crank up, will we be seeing, Gary Parker, Bo Chambers, or Stephen Hill or maybe Dusty Jones show the leadership or will it be Dough Bright in his #9 car the Original. Bright has the lead in points and
is favored but his car went south last Saturday night giving Gary Parker the win.
When the Limited Late Models run, the show will be between Lavon Sparks and his friend Jason Williams who never comes to finish in 2nd place, and if you throw in Little Joe Armistead if he is there you never know what kind of race we will see.
Levon Sparks somehow out runs Little Joe Armistead and Jason Williams wins this super fast outstanding race on Sept.17, 2011 there was a protest by the two 2nd and 3rd place cars and sure enough Lavon Sparks was found to be legal in every way.
But every eye will be on Sparks and Williams for the Late Model POINTS Lead.....so watch close. Neither driver will be slowing down or backing up, this will be the race of the year.
Racing at Senoia comes to a end on Saturday Sept.24, 2011 but will be back to play in the Clay sometime in March 2012 with more exciting racing action of all kinds and I know all the drivers will be ready.
Please remember DVD's of all races from 2011 and 2010 are available at your request for $25.00 please remember to help me out in any way you can. I thank you in advance.
Thanks also to Francis Hauke the finest Photographer in Georgia, thanks for helping me get through the loss of my wife, for the best photo's in racing action look to Francis Hauke Jr. a world class photographer and friend.

And THANKS to a driver we lost in 2011, Michael Cesare driver of car #45 never won a race but was always happy and wanted to learn, we thank his family for all the great times I shared with him by phone, and listening and laughing the memorial to Michael was at Senoia Raceway and was the greatest show there was as all the cars from every class filled the track and followed the #45 driven by the car half owner, and at the end Chad Harrington threw the double checkered flags for my Friend that I will miss always. GOODBYE Michael for now.....see you later.
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG following!
You can see photos I have taken of Senoia on my face book page, just search for Tino Patti and I will confirm you, that I promise.