What can you say except, for a 30 mile drive, you bet the excitement is back at Rock Fellowship Church located in Waco, Georgia.
The new Pastor is the eldest son, of former Pastor Robert Rutherford, his name is Dusty Rutherford.
Pastor Robert stepped down, due to a illness, if you have never heard of Rock Fellowship Church, but you may have heard of a TV show on TLC called "The Messengers" which was on a while back and featured the Pastor of Rock Fellowship, who with 10 kids held down a job during the day and was a full time Minister of the Gospel, every Sunday at 11 A.M. until....
That was the question when would his services end, I mean there were times that
Pastor Robert would preach 2 hours plus, and that was very hard on myself because I was shooting the video of every service, with Worship and Messages included.
Sure there were times I got frustrated but then again there were also times that I would be blessed by a message because when I would come home exhausted and replayed the video, and would hear some thing that I had missed during the service. That is one good thing regarding video tapes, anything you may have missed, you will hear it again and somehow you will get a blessing out of it.
When his Son was given the awesome job to Pastor the church, this 26 year old b
oy/man now has taken on the job and is giving it his all.
What can you say except, for a 30 mile drive, you bet the excitement is back at Rock Fellowship Church located in Waco, Georgia.
The new Pastor is the eldest son, of former Pastor Robert Rutherford, his name is Dusty Rutherford.
Pastor Robert stepped down, due to a illness, if you have never heard of Rock Fellowship Church, but you may have heard of a TV show on TLC called "The Messengers" which was on a while back and featured the Pastor of Rock Fellowship, who with 10 kids held down a job during the day and was a full time Minister of the Gospel, every Sunday at 11 A.M. until....
That was the question when would his services end, I mean there were times that

Sure there were times I got frustrated but then again there were also times that I would be blessed by a message because when I would come home exhausted and replayed the video, and would hear some thing that I had missed during the service. That is one good thing regarding video tapes, anything you may have missed, you will hear it again and somehow you will get a blessing out of it.
When his Son was given the awesome job to Pastor the church, this 26 year old b

As for as Pastor Robert Rutherford goes he is heading up his new and growing Church called The Bridge in Eatonton Ga, and has a new and dynamic church following. Knowing Robert you have to be amazed at all he can and will do, he has and alway will be a man on a mission for GOD.
Pastor Robert was never "set down" those remarks were made by this writer and have no bearing on what really happened. He
was in charge of Rock Fellowship and at no time was he stripped of his Pastor duites, he felt the time was right to turn it over to his growing Son, Dusty Rutherford.
Pastor Dusty Rutherford has given a new life to the church, and yes it may take years to rebuild the people, but I fully believe that it will be done, Dusty has become more and more comfortable and he brings a fresh new energy as he reads and preaches the Word of the Lord.
His young worship team is a blessing, and his sisters, have become the dancers when they have specials.
Ok, now that I have let you know a little about the church please remember if you can drive to Buckhead 3 or 4 days a week, then a drive to Waco, Georgia on a Sunday is worth the drive, and you will always be blessed.
If you have NO CHURCH that you are attending, please think about maybe making a trip to Rock Fellowship, located on Old Pleasant Hill Road, in Waco Georgia. You may get a blessing like never before.
Of course, remember this is going to be a growing and thriving church, and a young church. So be prepared for a worship service that is upbeat, and a message that is short but to the point, that is what you will be blessed with if you ever attend a service at Rock Fellowship Church service.
"NUFF SAID" , GOD Bless you all,
Tino Patti
Video/ministry at Rock Fellowship Church
His young worship team is a blessing, and his sisters, have become the dancers when they have specials.
Ok, now that I have let you know a little about the church please remember if you can drive to Buckhead 3 or 4 days a week, then a drive to Waco, Georgia on a Sunday is worth the drive, and you will always be blessed.
If you have NO CHURCH that you are attending, please think about maybe making a trip to Rock Fellowship, located on Old Pleasant Hill Road, in Waco Georgia. You may get a blessing like never before.
Of course, remember this is going to be a growing and thriving church, and a young church. So be prepared for a worship service that is upbeat, and a message that is short but to the point, that is what you will be blessed with if you ever attend a service at Rock Fellowship Church service.
"NUFF SAID" , GOD Bless you all,
Tino Patti
Video/ministry at Rock Fellowship Church
what does robert was set down mean???
aww man, I was wondering what happened to Pastor Robert, not sure what "set down" means, was he ill or something? I have listened to and shared dozens and dozens of his messages when I "converted" to inclusion gospel from evangelical gospel, I wish him all the best, any way I can contact him?
Best of luck with the rebuilding btw.
Thank you Robert for the incredibly insightful Hell No Series. I have been checking the website for months to leave a comment, and am saddened to have found this story of you being set down because of falling to a weakness or illness(I'm confused-doesn't matter). I'm sure you understand the concept of consequences all too well... however, this series has helped me so much and has been pivotal in transforming my relationship with God. When you said that our belief in the traditional hell doctrine affects our relationship with God... man, what an eye-opener! I just attended a funeral & was heart-sick how the preacher used the Hell doctrine to beat up on the already beaten down mourners. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm listening to the series for the 4th time now...I like that it teaches me how to think & not what to think. My prayers & love to you and your family.
When someone falls you pick him up. When someone is sick, you pray for him and stick with him till he gets well. When someone is not how you think he should be you love him anyway. Unconditionally!!! Love is patient, love is kind, love does not seek its own. Love covers!
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