What is the deal, with the "Rain" moving in?
Racing Fans are a rare breed of people, they come out in all kinds of weather, but when we have rain in the forecast on race day, some how our hearts sink.

I mean it's Friday morning, and the forecast is not looking good for racing at West Georgia Speedway on Saturday night, not even for the other surrounding tracks, it looks like we could have a washout. I am hoping not, but we will have to see if the weather moves to the north of the race track located in Whitesburg, Georgia or decides to come full force and rain out the race.
But lets look at the bright side of this mess, if we can, have you ever noticed that when it is going to rain, and all the forecasts predict rain at West Georgia Speedway, somehow the rain avoids the race track, maybe going to the east, maybe moving to the north, maybe going south, and maybe disappearing so that Sammy Duke can get the racing features all in. This is what I call Sammy Duke's "Mystery Rain Mover" I mean just look at the graphic and you will notice rain pourin
g on one side, and NO RAIN on the opposite side, that opposite side is what I call the "Historic" HOLE, the track that Sammy Duke built, some how that race track knows when the rain is coming and how to make it move, to one side or the other.
Now I am not saying West Georgia Speedway, or "The Burg" has any mysterious powers over weather, I am just saying I have seen some strange weather events while I was getting ready to film at the "Burg". I have seen heavy thunder storm clouds move over the race track, and in Douglasville where I am from there was pouring rain, but down at West Georgia Speedway, not a drop fell.
Yes I have seen Race fans, head for dry spots when the rain did start to fall some of them would keep sitting on the cement steps and have their trusty umbrella over them, and WAIT till the rain passed over, now these are true
race fans. What I have also seen, was those with no umbrella's head for the inside of the concession stand, and guess what, once in there they were in the buying mood, and food was being sold as well as coffee or tea, because they knew if there was any way Sammy Duke would get the race in, he does not like to call a race.
So on this Friday, all I have to say to ALL those Racing Fans, is if the mysterious "Historic" West Georgia Speedway has anything to say, the rain will miss the track and there will be Saturday Night racing. Then again who knows what this crazy weather will bring us here in the South and the home of fearless racing drivers.
Like Woodstock, which most of you can't remember, and I was there in 1969, there was approaching a Heavy rain storm, and the crowd begain to chant "NO RAIN, NO RAIN, NO RAIN" and believe it or not the rain did not appear and that next day the rock bands played on and on and on and on. So see what "Will Power" can and will do.

Well racing fans are the best, everytime I go down to speak to the fans, they are knowlegable and really know the drivers, and they have those they root for and those they do not like, in reallity it is like any other sport, you have you favorite, an as a reporter I have to look at both sides and not make judgements, I mean I know who I like, and who I would like to win every race that is my choice but I will never air them on this blog or any other way. They know who they are, and that is that.
So if you believe in Prayer, lets all bow our heads and pray that this Saturday Night can be another fun filled night at West Georgia Speedway, where you will see some real racing action.
This is "NOT" Asphalt where you follow someone around, this is where the real men race, because "DIRT" is where the real racers come from.
Again Many Thanks, and I hope to hear from you, comment if you like please.
Tino Patti
a Freelance Photographer/Journalist
Racing Fans are a rare breed of people, they come out in all kinds of weather, but when we have rain in the forecast on race day, some how our hearts sink.

I mean it's Friday morning, and the forecast is not looking good for racing at West Georgia Speedway on Saturday night, not even for the other surrounding tracks, it looks like we could have a washout. I am hoping not, but we will have to see if the weather moves to the north of the race track located in Whitesburg, Georgia or decides to come full force and rain out the race.
But lets look at the bright side of this mess, if we can, have you ever noticed that when it is going to rain, and all the forecasts predict rain at West Georgia Speedway, somehow the rain avoids the race track, maybe going to the east, maybe moving to the north, maybe going south, and maybe disappearing so that Sammy Duke can get the racing features all in. This is what I call Sammy Duke's "Mystery Rain Mover" I mean just look at the graphic and you will notice rain pourin

Now I am not saying West Georgia Speedway, or "The Burg" has any mysterious powers over weather, I am just saying I have seen some strange weather events while I was getting ready to film at the "Burg". I have seen heavy thunder storm clouds move over the race track, and in Douglasville where I am from there was pouring rain, but down at West Georgia Speedway, not a drop fell.

race fans. What I have also seen, was those with no umbrella's head for the inside of the concession stand, and guess what, once in there they were in the buying mood, and food was being sold as well as coffee or tea, because they knew if there was any way Sammy Duke would get the race in, he does not like to call a race.
So on this Friday, all I have to say to ALL those Racing Fans, is if the mysterious "Historic" West Georgia Speedway has anything to say, the rain will miss the track and there will be Saturday Night racing. Then again who knows what this crazy weather will bring us here in the South and the home of fearless racing drivers.
Like Woodstock, which most of you can't remember, and I was there in 1969, there was approaching a Heavy rain storm, and the crowd begain to chant "NO RAIN, NO RAIN, NO RAIN" and believe it or not the rain did not appear and that next day the rock bands played on and on and on and on. So see what "Will Power" can and will do.

Well racing fans are the best, everytime I go down to speak to the fans, they are knowlegable and really know the drivers, and they have those they root for and those they do not like, in reallity it is like any other sport, you have you favorite, an as a reporter I have to look at both sides and not make judgements, I mean I know who I like, and who I would like to win every race that is my choice but I will never air them on this blog or any other way. They know who they are, and that is that.
So if you believe in Prayer, lets all bow our heads and pray that this Saturday Night can be another fun filled night at West Georgia Speedway, where you will see some real racing action.
This is "NOT" Asphalt where you follow someone around, this is where the real men race, because "DIRT" is where the real racers come from.
Again Many Thanks, and I hope to hear from you, comment if you like please.
Tino Patti
a Freelance Photographer/Journalist
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