"It's Friday, are you ready to Rumble Saturday?"
How many of you are ready, to see some
extra special racing, at West Georgia Speedway this Saturday Night?.
If you missed the action, on Saturday April 25th, I am so sorry for you. Even Barney could not stop the wild driving.
Cars were beating and banging on each other like there was no tomorrow, cars were "flying through
the air", as with Sportsman driver Michael Mills.
Drivers you thought would win, dropped out of races, and those that did stay in, were lucky if their car was in one piece at the end of the night. It was that kind of hot night at West Georgia Speedway, or "The Burg" as it is known. Sometimes drivers were taking there frustrations out
on other drivers, and that is not good.
The man that puts these races on, could be seen sitting atop his Ford 5600 tractor prior to the racing action, trying to get the cars to iron the 3/8th oval historic track out. Sammy Duke,
one of the real legends in Dirt track racing, if you ever get the chance to meet him, shake his hand because he
is a seasoned veteran of dirt car racing, and is doing his best to put on some really good racing shows, for you and for me. We are all fans you know.
The Hobby car class looks like some really heavy hitters will be there Saturday, and I am talking about #69 of Roscoe Collins, #3 of Jeff Carter, #01 of returning champ, Blant Duke, and lets see if #19 of Chad Ledbetter brings his car in, he has been really wild. Don't forget #GT47 of Charlie Garrett, or even Jason Causey. The line up should be tough, and getting to the front and staying there should be a real problem for some drivers. This is going to be the race of all races, and you have to be there.
It is a shame that drivers like Mark Knight or even Joe Hillman, most likely will not make the show, but if Hillman is there that only means more excitemen
t. Marks car was beat up bad Saturday and I am sure Chad Ledbetter had something to do with that. You have to remember drivers are like Elephants, "They Never Forget".
As you can see in this photo Roscoe Collins is always the last to get to the track it seems, but he is first when the checked flag is flying.
As for as the Crate Car race, I am sure that Tony Kemp in his famous #16 should be back to run for the flag, last weekend, his car quit and that gave the easy win to #8 of Michael "Mouth" Keener, who has been winning almost every crate race when he is there. Drivers like #89 Carey Smith, seem to just need some extra time on this track and then we should see Carey taking some wins. Give the young man a chance, and he will get the hang of the track.
As for as the Sportsman cars are concerned, Rucker Orr in his famous #99 has been really showing some power, and since Glenn McWaters was not there Saturday night, Rucker had a easy show. McWaters in his famous #G1 blew his engine the prior Saturday night, and what was funny it blew when he was crossing the scales at the Speedway. During the race his car was pouring smoke and I thought it was a matter of time before he had to pull off the track, but that is not what Glenn thinks, he will run his car as fast as he can, and when he does he comes home with another checkered flag victory. The driver that could have caught Rucker Orr, was not there and that was the #18C of Shane Criswell, he is a driver that has a strong car.
As for as the Modified Mini cars are concerned, LOOK out here comes #6 Richard Bagby and he will be attempting to win his 6th straight modified mini race in a row, something that I believe is impossible, but when you have the veteran driver of Bagby nothing is impossible. He may even have his good luck charms at the track, and I am speaking about his Wife of course and two young precious girls, Lauren and Lindsey.
But do you think Richard can pull this win off, I mean lets face it the pressure is on, and he will be attempting "to go where no man has gone before," just kidding, but he will have some heavy hitters running him down. #14 of Ross Baines, #20 of Ryan Heppner, and then his menace #07 of Frank Long, how could we leave out #19 of up and coming star Chris Upton. So from me to Richard "Good Luck my Friend" you will need it.
Did you notice I said nothing regarding the Enduro race, well maybe that is because I have NO IDEA who is going to win, there are so many great cars, but some have had some serious engine troubles, and some have plan out crashed, so the Enduro class is up for grabs, pick you car at the track.
Thanks for the many prayers and encouragement regarding the sickness of my wife,
she is recovering at home but really still not out of the woods so to say, please continue to keep her in your prayers, her name is Edna and she wants me to thank each and every person that reads this blog as well as all the fine outstanding drivers that race at West Georgia Speedway. You drivers are what is keeping my spirits up, and I thank you.
Again "Lets GO Racing"!
Tino Patti
a Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
"With a World Wide Blog following NOW"

If you missed the action, on Saturday April 25th, I am so sorry for you. Even Barney could not stop the wild driving.
Cars were beating and banging on each other like there was no tomorrow, cars were "flying through

Drivers you thought would win, dropped out of races, and those that did stay in, were lucky if their car was in one piece at the end of the night. It was that kind of hot night at West Georgia Speedway, or "The Burg" as it is known. Sometimes drivers were taking there frustrations out

The man that puts these races on, could be seen sitting atop his Ford 5600 tractor prior to the racing action, trying to get the cars to iron the 3/8th oval historic track out. Sammy Duke,

The Hobby car class looks like some really heavy hitters will be there Saturday, and I am talking about #69 of Roscoe Collins, #3 of Jeff Carter, #01 of returning champ, Blant Duke, and lets see if #19 of Chad Ledbetter brings his car in, he has been really wild. Don't forget #GT47 of Charlie Garrett, or even Jason Causey. The line up should be tough, and getting to the front and staying there should be a real problem for some drivers. This is going to be the race of all races, and you have to be there.
It is a shame that drivers like Mark Knight or even Joe Hillman, most likely will not make the show, but if Hillman is there that only means more excitemen

As you can see in this photo Roscoe Collins is always the last to get to the track it seems, but he is first when the checked flag is flying.
As for as the Crate Car race, I am sure that Tony Kemp in his famous #16 should be back to run for the flag, last weekend, his car quit and that gave the easy win to #8 of Michael "Mouth" Keener, who has been winning almost every crate race when he is there. Drivers like #89 Carey Smith, seem to just need some extra time on this track and then we should see Carey taking some wins. Give the young man a chance, and he will get the hang of the track.
As for as the Sportsman cars are concerned, Rucker Orr in his famous #99 has been really showing some power, and since Glenn McWaters was not there Saturday night, Rucker had a easy show. McWaters in his famous #G1 blew his engine the prior Saturday night, and what was funny it blew when he was crossing the scales at the Speedway. During the race his car was pouring smoke and I thought it was a matter of time before he had to pull off the track, but that is not what Glenn thinks, he will run his car as fast as he can, and when he does he comes home with another checkered flag victory. The driver that could have caught Rucker Orr, was not there and that was the #18C of Shane Criswell, he is a driver that has a strong car.
As for as the Modified Mini cars are concerned, LOOK out here comes #6 Richard Bagby and he will be attempting to win his 6th straight modified mini race in a row, something that I believe is impossible, but when you have the veteran driver of Bagby nothing is impossible. He may even have his good luck charms at the track, and I am speaking about his Wife of course and two young precious girls, Lauren and Lindsey.
But do you think Richard can pull this win off, I mean lets face it the pressure is on, and he will be attempting "to go where no man has gone before," just kidding, but he will have some heavy hitters running him down. #14 of Ross Baines, #20 of Ryan Heppner, and then his menace #07 of Frank Long, how could we leave out #19 of up and coming star Chris Upton. So from me to Richard "Good Luck my Friend" you will need it.
Did you notice I said nothing regarding the Enduro race, well maybe that is because I have NO IDEA who is going to win, there are so many great cars, but some have had some serious engine troubles, and some have plan out crashed, so the Enduro class is up for grabs, pick you car at the track.
Thanks for the many prayers and encouragement regarding the sickness of my wife,
she is recovering at home but really still not out of the woods so to say, please continue to keep her in your prayers, her name is Edna and she wants me to thank each and every person that reads this blog as well as all the fine outstanding drivers that race at West Georgia Speedway. You drivers are what is keeping my spirits up, and I thank you.
Again "Lets GO Racing"!

Tino Patti
a Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
"With a World Wide Blog following NOW"