"Racing Results and some big name drivers make the show"
It was a good night at West Georgia Speedway Saturday April 4th, 2009 with some big name drivers coming in to try their hand at the track that is hard to tame. Plus that the weather has turned a little warmer, and anything is better than rain or having the cold winds blow.
Crate car drivers that we haven't seen in a while were the #17 of long time racing star Lamar Haygood who was driving in the crate class and was driving for someone else. Lamar was still the same person as he has always been, and that is kind of crazy, but once he gets inside his race car, he becomes another animal.
If you ha
ve not seen Lamar drive then you are going to have a great time watching this champion, who if you don't remember raced at Seven Flags Speedway in Douglasville, Ga. He also closed down the speedway and set the record as the last Late Model driver to win all 4 races in May before the track was closed and later to our sadness torn down.
With him at the track was Late Model driver, Ricky Williams, who is also a champion in his own rights, and has been in some major shows, where he has won, he is also a first class gentleman. Looking at Ricky you would never think he could drive a Late Model car, that same sense goes for Lamar Haygood, I guess size is not the issue, it is the raw and gutsy talent.

There was also the newest talent to hit the speedway in Whitesburg, and that was a 13 year old young man that can handle a crate car with the best of the drivers. He is young and talented and his name is Matt
Dooley, he is going to be the "real deal" when he gets more chances, but if you were at "The Burg" Saturday night you had a chance to see a up and rising star. We hope to see more of Matt Dooley on the track, he is a born winner, and with the backing of his father Scott Dooley and famous uncle Ricky Williams, he could be on the way to the top.
The Modified Mini RESULTS would amaze you, as #6 Richard Bagby would go on to Win his second race at the Burg and this was with defending champion Frank Long there in his yellow #07 car.
Frank lead the race and was looking like he was the car to beat, but for some strange reason something in the motor let go, and Frank drifted farther and farther behind, that is w
hen we knew that Richard would take his 2nd win of the season. Now Richa
rd may have had the lead by the young upcoming driver Ryan Heppner in his white and orange #20 kept creeping up on Richard, but it was too late and Richard would go on for the win.
Final Results: #6 Richard
in 2nd Place #20 Ryan Heppner
and coming in 3rd was car #82 of Brian Shoemake
When the Enduro cars pulled onto the track I felt like car #91 driven by Lee Owensby was going to take a win again, but to be honest prior to the race he was telling about how he had been having motor troubles, and that's not good.
Racing in the Enduro race can be wild, but the action was just like most racing nights at the Burg, and the ending was a surprise.
Coming in 1st place was car #12 of Gary Brand
closing in an finishing 2nd was #91 of Lee Owensby
and crossing the line in 3rd place was #6 of Eddie Swafford.
The racing action was intense as always when racing at "The Burg", cars we thought would win would be dropping out are crashing. Of course there is never a normal night of racing down at West Georgia Speedway, you never know what will happen.
The Hobby car feature was a race, that looked great, Jason Causey was in his #47 blue hobby car, Jeff Carter w
as racing his famous #3 and car #B1 was driven by Richie Taylor.
Blant Duke was sitting the race out due to motor troubles, but we all know Blant will be back and racing hard.
Seems like when trouble hits it pours as it did for #3 Jeff Carter's car as his transmission blew and he cruised around the track in a big puff of white smoke. What amazed me was that Jeff Carter was still in pursuit of Causey and #B1 driven by Richie
Taylor was charging in the 3rd place spot. One thing for sure the Big Man was not givi
ng up, and he was trying to capture his first win at West Georgia Speedway, but this night it was not going to happen.
So the Hobby car results were posted as winning and coming across the line first was car #47 of Jason Causey.
In 2nd Place would finish #3 of Jeff Carter.
and in 3rd place would finish #B1 of Ritchie Taylor
Now the Crate cars, came on to the track, and leading them out was car #8 driven by Michael Keener, known
as "Mouth". One thing for sure is every time he has raced at the Burg he has won and tonight would be no exception.
Michael had some problems though, he was racing against Lamar Haygood, Tony Kemp, Jeremy Hall, and Carey Smith not to mention Richie Williams, who is the cousin of Late Model Champion, Ricky Williams.
And how could you forget, car #18 of the 13 year old star in the making of Matt Dooley.
Tonight was Matt's first race time with some big name drivers, and Matt was not about to mess up a new paint job. He started in the back, but during the race he was making progress, even though I can not always have his car in my lens he was there and chasing those other
s and was not involved in any spins are wrecks.
The action was tough, as Haygood and Williams dueled for position, while Tony Kemp was reeling in the orange #8 of Michael Keener. Along the way, Carey Smith was all over the track, just trying to stay in one piece, which did not happen and on his spoiler was "YEA BABY", well guess what?, during a spin he tore it off completely. As the race continued I could see that Keener was dropping back, and Tony Kemp was making a charge, and if anyone can catch you it was Tony Kemp, but tonight was not going to be Kemp's night. When the checkered flag was waving, crossing the line first was #8 Michael Keener, in 2nd was hard charging veteran #16 of Tony Kemp and in 3rd place was #19 or Jeremy Hall, 4th place belonged to Lamar Haygood.

Then there was the intermission with a break, for food and a drink before those big bad Sportsman cars took the track.
And we were in for a great race. as defending champ #99 Rucker Orr was there as was #G1 of Glenn McWaters, who we had not seen at the Burg in a while, prior to the race he said he only comes out to race when the weather warms up, w
ell guess what the weather was warm and so was McWaters. The battle was also going to be a good one because #1 Ben Hill had his Sportsman car there at the track, other
drivers that appear regular were #13 of Roger Cassell, and there was #0 of Craig Scott, plus Jody Knowles in another car #17.
Check out this photo of Ben Hill, as he is holding a can of Pepsi, his crew is getting onto him, because he was not holding the label toward the camera. I call this a Ben Hill "Jeff Gordon" Moment.
Once the race did get started Rucker Orr was the one that had the lead and was letting every one chase him, but after a few cautions Glenn McWaters took the lead and charged ahead of everyone, he was on the
move and no one was catching G1. Late in the race and rounding turn 4 car #1 Ben Hill got into the back of #99 Rucker Orr, which literally lifted his car off the track, and in the process, Ben Hills car came to rest on the front straight away, in a huge ball of white smoke, must have been a smokey night. He also collected #13 of Roger Cassell, no one was hurt, just a lot of bent cars.
When the checkered flag was flying, it was Glenn McWaters taking his first win of the 2009 season at "The Burg", and I am sure many more will come when he does race.
Taking 2nd place and I am sure not happy was #99 of Rucker Orr.
In 3rd place came the 17 car of Jody Knowles.
All in all racing season was on at the Burg, and the action was non stop, so thanks to
all the fans and the drivers from every class that run at West Georgia Speedway, and I know Sammy Duke thanks each of you.

Sammy is a true legend in his own time and his own mind.
We do have some great news that I have been hearing about for some time but I was not willing to give the information out until now and guess what you are the lucky ones, so read on.
A "HOT" new pure mini driver has been showing that he can and might be the biggest racing star to come into the racing world and more so at West Georgia Speedway. Hint he drives car #47 and his last name is Brady, and we are not talking about the famed Brady Bunch on the sitcom television show.
I am speaking about Ricky Brady Jr. who has taken his car for the 2nd time around the BURG, and is bringing, so much joy to the sport.
Ricky could be the next superstar to rise from the ashes, or he could just be a new beginning and a driver that one day we can all say we knew when he was driving Pure Mini at West Georgia Speedway. All I can really say is Ricky is a young man that has talent, where he goes and does with it, we will have to find out, as his future unfolds.
So when you hear those bumble bee engines roll onto the track at West Georgia Speedway remember some where driving car #47 could be the next Jeff Gordon, or Dale Earnhardt Jr, or even maybe the next Richard Petty. All this is in his mind, at least. Whatever, Ricky is having the time of his life, and you know when it comes down to it, that is what life is all about. Having fun laughing and enjoying good friends good food and racing of course.

Thanks again,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
(With columns Worldwide across this great nation)
It was a good night at West Georgia Speedway Saturday April 4th, 2009 with some big name drivers coming in to try their hand at the track that is hard to tame. Plus that the weather has turned a little warmer, and anything is better than rain or having the cold winds blow.
Crate car drivers that we haven't seen in a while were the #17 of long time racing star Lamar Haygood who was driving in the crate class and was driving for someone else. Lamar was still the same person as he has always been, and that is kind of crazy, but once he gets inside his race car, he becomes another animal.
If you ha

With him at the track was Late Model driver, Ricky Williams, who is also a champion in his own rights, and has been in some major shows, where he has won, he is also a first class gentleman. Looking at Ricky you would never think he could drive a Late Model car, that same sense goes for Lamar Haygood, I guess size is not the issue, it is the raw and gutsy talent.

There was also the newest talent to hit the speedway in Whitesburg, and that was a 13 year old young man that can handle a crate car with the best of the drivers. He is young and talented and his name is Matt

The Modified Mini RESULTS would amaze you, as #6 Richard Bagby would go on to Win his second race at the Burg and this was with defending champion Frank Long there in his yellow #07 car.
Frank lead the race and was looking like he was the car to beat, but for some strange reason something in the motor let go, and Frank drifted farther and farther behind, that is w

Final Results: #6 Richard

in 2nd Place #20 Ryan Heppner
and coming in 3rd was car #82 of Brian Shoemake
When the Enduro cars pulled onto the track I felt like car #91 driven by Lee Owensby was going to take a win again, but to be honest prior to the race he was telling about how he had been having motor troubles, and that's not good.
Racing in the Enduro race can be wild, but the action was just like most racing nights at the Burg, and the ending was a surprise.
Coming in 1st place was car #12 of Gary Brand
closing in an finishing 2nd was #91 of Lee Owensby
and crossing the line in 3rd place was #6 of Eddie Swafford.
The racing action was intense as always when racing at "The Burg", cars we thought would win would be dropping out are crashing. Of course there is never a normal night of racing down at West Georgia Speedway, you never know what will happen.
The Hobby car feature was a race, that looked great, Jason Causey was in his #47 blue hobby car, Jeff Carter w

Blant Duke was sitting the race out due to motor troubles, but we all know Blant will be back and racing hard.
Seems like when trouble hits it pours as it did for #3 Jeff Carter's car as his transmission blew and he cruised around the track in a big puff of white smoke. What amazed me was that Jeff Carter was still in pursuit of Causey and #B1 driven by Richie

So the Hobby car results were posted as winning and coming across the line first was car #47 of Jason Causey.
In 2nd Place would finish #3 of Jeff Carter.
and in 3rd place would finish #B1 of Ritchie Taylor
Now the Crate cars, came on to the track, and leading them out was car #8 driven by Michael Keener, known

Michael had some problems though, he was racing against Lamar Haygood, Tony Kemp, Jeremy Hall, and Carey Smith not to mention Richie Williams, who is the cousin of Late Model Champion, Ricky Williams.
And how could you forget, car #18 of the 13 year old star in the making of Matt Dooley.
Tonight was Matt's first race time with some big name drivers, and Matt was not about to mess up a new paint job. He started in the back, but during the race he was making progress, even though I can not always have his car in my lens he was there and chasing those other

The action was tough, as Haygood and Williams dueled for position, while Tony Kemp was reeling in the orange #8 of Michael Keener. Along the way, Carey Smith was all over the track, just trying to stay in one piece, which did not happen and on his spoiler was "YEA BABY", well guess what?, during a spin he tore it off completely. As the race continued I could see that Keener was dropping back, and Tony Kemp was making a charge, and if anyone can catch you it was Tony Kemp, but tonight was not going to be Kemp's night. When the checkered flag was waving, crossing the line first was #8 Michael Keener, in 2nd was hard charging veteran #16 of Tony Kemp and in 3rd place was #19 or Jeremy Hall, 4th place belonged to Lamar Haygood.

Then there was the intermission with a break, for food and a drink before those big bad Sportsman cars took the track.
And we were in for a great race. as defending champ #99 Rucker Orr was there as was #G1 of Glenn McWaters, who we had not seen at the Burg in a while, prior to the race he said he only comes out to race when the weather warms up, w

Check out this photo of Ben Hill, as he is holding a can of Pepsi, his crew is getting onto him, because he was not holding the label toward the camera. I call this a Ben Hill "Jeff Gordon" Moment.
Once the race did get started Rucker Orr was the one that had the lead and was letting every one chase him, but after a few cautions Glenn McWaters took the lead and charged ahead of everyone, he was on the

When the checkered flag was flying, it was Glenn McWaters taking his first win of the 2009 season at "The Burg", and I am sure many more will come when he does race.
Taking 2nd place and I am sure not happy was #99 of Rucker Orr.
In 3rd place came the 17 car of Jody Knowles.
All in all racing season was on at the Burg, and the action was non stop, so thanks to

Sammy is a true legend in his own time and his own mind.
We do have some great news that I have been hearing about for some time but I was not willing to give the information out until now and guess what you are the lucky ones, so read on.
A "HOT" new pure mini driver has been showing that he can and might be the biggest racing star to come into the racing world and more so at West Georgia Speedway. Hint he drives car #47 and his last name is Brady, and we are not talking about the famed Brady Bunch on the sitcom television show.
I am speaking about Ricky Brady Jr. who has taken his car for the 2nd time around the BURG, and is bringing, so much joy to the sport.
Ricky could be the next superstar to rise from the ashes, or he could just be a new beginning and a driver that one day we can all say we knew when he was driving Pure Mini at West Georgia Speedway. All I can really say is Ricky is a young man that has talent, where he goes and does with it, we will have to find out, as his future unfolds.
So when you hear those bumble bee engines roll onto the track at West Georgia Speedway remember some where driving car #47 could be the next Jeff Gordon, or Dale Earnhardt Jr, or even maybe the next Richard Petty. All this is in his mind, at least. Whatever, Ricky is having the time of his life, and you know when it comes down to it, that is what life is all about. Having fun laughing and enjoying good friends good food and racing of course.

Thanks again,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
(With columns Worldwide across this great nation)
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