Tim Moses and his wife Amey welcome
all race fans to New Senoia Raceway every Saturday

According to officials Sr. had been
to be.So enraged were that that they yelled for Tim Bright who was sitting i
Meet Tim Brights wife, Meghan Bright her smile is catching
There has been some bad blood between the Carters and Brights but the bad blood spilled over to a great humble driver, #47 Mark Knight, who was infuriated with Jeff Carter, both seemed to really have things out for each other.
The B-Cadet race was the race that everyone was there to see and there

Prior to the race, Michael Cesare comes
This summed up, the night for Michael Cesare, you know next time he will save the front and damage the rear or sides.....We are waiting for this driver's first big win.

But the real story was the battle up front as Billy Bright Jr was leading all the way all 30 laps and was challenged by #83 of Brandon Pijenburg who was showing he had the car to pass and maybe capture the win. Then the unthinkable happened to Brandon, nearing the 30 lap mark he was out of tear offs for his visor and he literaly had to pull it up and drive with it up, which is not the best thing

1 #07 Clifton Moran

1) #54 Bo Chambers
Endicott's night would be cut short after a spin on the back stretch that would put him out of the race for the night.
The Limited Late Model finish ended:
1) #73 Racing Jason Williams
2) #11 Lavon Sparks
3) #54 Mike Head
4) Scott Duffy not driving his #25 car.
So the Winner was :
2) #47 Mark Knight
3) #83 Brandon Pinjenburg

2) #17 Richie Williams
3) #16 Trey White

A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist

Fans come ready to see some
great racing
action from turn 1 to turn 4 there is
never a dull moment at Senoia.

Elderly fan comes to relax and unwind watching the men race at Senoia Raceway.

Good food goes great at New Senoia Raceway
Drivers from every where converge on New Senoia Raceway to make sure they get in for some of the best dirt track racing in the South.
What can you say but the action was fast and furious, and also had some heated moments that cost Billy Bright Sr. from being in the big 30 lap B-Cadet race, a race with $600 at stake plus a trophy that would have stood taller that Billy Sr. but during the heat races caused Billy Bright Sr. and Brandon Pijenburg in his red #83 played bang bang with #B7 off the Senior Bright.

warned regarding rough driving, and he not only was having it out but took it out on #83 while in of all places the pit area where innocent people are walking
and could have been hurt. So the man that runs the show Tim Moses gave Billy Sr. the toss and told him he would not drive in the big race, and that is when the folks of the B7 cars became in raged.
to be.So enraged were that that they yelled for Tim Bright who was sitting i
n the stands to come down and drive the B-cadet car of Billy Sr. in the huge race. Tim is a outstanding Crate car driver but he has had some bad luck, so sitting in the stands was not where he wanted

Tim Bright was not expected to drive prior

to the race was always willing to give me a great chance to take his photo, if you did not know Tim was just married to a real beauty, her name is Meghan Bright take a look at her.
Meet Tim Brights wife, Meghan Bright her smile is catching

There has been some bad blood between the Carters and Brights but the bad blood spilled over to a great humble driver, #47 Mark Knight, who was infuriated with Jeff Carter, both seemed to really have things out for each other.
The B-Cadet race was the race that everyone was there to see and there
were some big name drivers for this event, from of course the Brights, Carters, to Mark Knight plus so many others even Michael Cesare in his famous #45 was there.

Prior to the race, Michael Cesare comes
in with his famous smile, a driver who just wants to finish a race, something he dreams of is taking a "Checkered Flag" but that is in the distance but it will come and I hope I am there to see it.

Watch Michael Cesare take this famous hot lap wreck, wow, caught it all click , click, click...and them BAM for Michael....not good.

Again Michael was binding his time running close to the back but his car was running better and better ever lap, he was gaining
and would have finished the race except that near the end of the B-Cadet race near lap 27 Tim Bright who was driving Billy Bright Sr's. car spun coming out of turn 4 and was sitting in the middle of the track , the sad thing was the car following him was Michael Cesare and yes it was true Michael had nowhere to go, if he went to low he would have hit the inside wall. if he went high he would have hit Tim Bright broadside, so he choose to dive low and that is when half of his car was demolished as seen on the video, but the best news was that Michael was fine, maybe disgusted but he walked away. Tim Bright also was fine and walked away from this crash.
This summed up, the night for Michael Cesare, you know next time he will save the front and damage the rear or sides.....We are waiting for this driver's first big win.

But the real story was the battle up front as Billy Bright Jr was leading all the way all 30 laps and was challenged by #83 of Brandon Pijenburg who was showing he had the car to pass and maybe capture the win. Then the unthinkable happened to Brandon, nearing the 30 lap mark he was out of tear offs for his visor and he literaly had to pull it up and drive with it up, which is not the best thing
to do. What makes it worse he took the waving of the white flag for the checkered flag and after the flag stand backed down and let off the gas, that's when his car drifted back slowly, letting #31 Blake Griffin, and #47 Mark Knight to blow by him. What a mistake he could have finished 2nd to Billy Bright Jr. but that was not going to happen and what makes it worse is that when Billy Bright Jr crossed the line and took the checkered flag we were waiting for a very happy Billy Bright Jr to jump out of the car to get his photo taken and hear a great interview, instead we heard him say "How many Bright fans are here?" "If you want to see
us race again be at West Georgia Speedway next Saturday Night". That's what infuriated Tim Moses and some of the fans that of all things instead of cheering for Billy where booing loudly. Then to top things off, when the car was brought into the pit area, Billy Bright Jr was found to be running illegal and he was "Disqualified" taking the trophy and cash away, from him and #31 B
lake Griffin became the winner with the 2nd place car being #47 Mark Knight the night was long but it was over, and I truly believe we have seen the last of the Brights at Senoia Raceway, if what they say is true, then they will keep their word and head to West Georgia Speedway next weekend. What will racing be like without the Brights? Does any one know?

Winning #31 Blake Griffin
2nd place #47 Mark Knight
3rd place #83 Brandon Pijenburg
We do know that racing will go on as expected, less the Brights and t
here presence at the track. Also Billy Sr and Billy Jr will be giving u
p their points lead.
To me it is almost like giving the 4th or 5th place cars to move up and catch Jeff Carter who has the points lead.Remember there was other racing action on this night that was rain free for a change, the Hobby race was run by the best and the winner was #07 Clifton "Hog Head" Moran, who drove his #07 like he has always drove, he is a pure winner.
One driver that had a bad night right after the green flag dropped was #K1 a car that was supposed to be dr
iven by a true legend Kip Sanfill, but instead in the drivers seat was all American Jimmy "All American" Appleby but when a tie rod broke coming down the front steech all he could do is hang on for the ride straight into the wall at New Senoia Raceway, lucky for Jimmy he walked away fine and that shows how much these cars can take. Now the big question will be willing to drive the #K1 car again, are did this shake him up.

The order of finish for the Hobby class race was:
1 #07 Clifton Moran
2 #33 Rusty Johnson
3 #81 Houston HachettThe Pure Mini's cars ran 2nd and that changed up the order of running,
in the race #4 Dusty Jones was among the group, and he was a challenger until something let go in his car and he backed down and everyone went around him.
Later it was known that Jones who was driving and heading to the front cut a tire, and that messed his night up.The show was put on by Bo Chambers with challenges by Lonnie Patterson and Gary Parker, but know one was catching Chambers as he took the 15 lap race in style. Bo has been a winner at Senoia raceway and knows how and what it takes to win.

Order of finish was as follows:
1) #54 Bo Chambers
2) Lonnie Patterson
3) #13 Gary Parker
All in all the Pure Mini drivers don't come to play they come to put on a
3) #13 Gary Parker
All in all the Pure Mini drivers don't come to play they come to put on a
show, and they always do.
The next feature was the Limited Late Model race, that would be run early do to the 30 lap feature with the B-Cadet boys.
So 25 laps of pure Late model racing would bring out the best, like #73 "Racing Jason" Williams who would be chased by points leader #11 Lavon Sparks, and racing in 3rd place and putting on a show was #54 of legendary Mike Head.
Williams has been on a winning streak, and he does not take 2nd place well
Williams has been on a winning streak, and he does not take 2nd place well
We did miss drivers like #9 Shane Fulcher and hope he returns this Saturday to the bank track of New Senoia raceway. One special driver that I would like to welcome back to Senoia raceway was #00 Steven Endicott who has always been a fan favorite.
We did miss drivers like #9 Shane Fulcher and hope he returns this Saturday to the bank track of New Senoia raceway. One special driver that I would like to welcome back to Senoia raceway was #00 Steven Endicott who has always been a fan favorite.
Endicott's night would be cut short after a spin on the back stretch that would put him out of the race for the night.

1) #73 Racing Jason Williams
2) #11 Lavon Sparks
3) #54 Mike Head
4) Scott Duffy not driving his #25 car.
Then it was B-Cadet time and we all know that story so I won't rehash it.
On the pole was #3 Jeff Carter and next to him was #B7 jr of Billy Bright Jr.
plus #31 of Blake Griffin and #47 of Mark Knight plus #83 of Brandon Pijenburg plus driving for Billy Bright Sr. was Tim Bright.
And who could forget #45 of "Ricky Bobby" fame Michael Cesare.
But like I said the order of finish was changed when Billy Bright Jr was found to be illeagal and was "Disqualified".
So the Winner was :
1) #31 Blake Griffin
2) #47 Mark Knight
3) #83 Brandon Pinjenburg
4) Corey Payton a young 15 year old.
The last race of the night was the Crate car race and again #91 Todd Darda would prove he had the car that the one to beat, and no one could. Not even #17 Richie Williams who comes from a long line of racing champions.
Also racing was Trey White who raced on Senoia Speedway when it was asphalt.
But the order of the Crate finish was :

Winning #91 Todd Darda
2) #17 Richie Williams
3) #16 Trey White
The night of racing was over and it was well before 12 midnight, so fans were happy as well as some drivers, everyone was happy except the Brights.
To everyone I want to say THANK YOU for being so kind to me as I deal wi
th the greif of loosing my wife, I know she would have wanted me to continue to film and meet some of the best drivers in motor sports.
Thanks to everyone again and remember all DVD's are $25.00 so pick one up call me and let me know and I will have yours ready for you. Remeber each DVD is filled with feature races, and wrecks.
Thank You,

Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a World Wide racing BLOG following!
Don't forget to read Motor Sport America Magazine
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