"Southern Loving Family, they can survive"

Does this remind you of some Dirt track queen, that try's to make it to every race at Senoia Raceway, and sit and watch, some of the finest drivers in Georgia and Alabama, she is just a "Redneck Woman" and I call her "GW" but we all know her as sweet Tonya Lynn Duke.
Tonya Lynn Duke has been a racing fan for years and years, and having 2 children growing up watching the best drivers in the South makes it more enjoyable for her. How could we leave out her pure sweet Mother, who makes her way to see the drivers run at both West Georgia Speedway or The New Senoia Raceway on Saturday nights from March until the gates close.
Here she is is holding her eldest daughter Madison, who loves racing, just like her mother.

You got to love any woman, who can bring home the fish to fry so the family can all eat good. I mean look at this great catch, by the Redneck Queen of Racing.
This was one of the last photo's taken of Tonya father Mark Duke before he passed away, you can see by his smile, he passed her attitude on to his precious daughter.
Some times, GOD takes the best from us, and we hurt so bad, but remember when its all done and finished down here, we can be with them again.

With a world wide racing BLOG following!

This is dedicated to the hardest working young lady I have ever come in contact with, if only her Father were alive to see her he would be so proud of his little girl. Mark Duke her father was her role model and he made sure she was taken care of, she has the heart I am sure he had.
I am talking about Tonya Lynn Duke, or someone special
Her kindness, and her concern make her one of the best fans in dirt track racing, she has all knowledge and can be a mover and a shaker.
This song is dedicated to Georgia's finest "Redneck Woman", and sung by Gretchen Wilson, as a matter of fact I call Tonya "GW" some times just something between her and me.
This song is dedicated to Georgia's finest "Redneck Woman", and sung by Gretchen Wilson, as a matter of fact I call Tonya "GW" some times just something between her and me.
Does this remind you of some Dirt track queen, that try's to make it to every race at Senoia Raceway, and sit and watch, some of the finest drivers in Georgia and Alabama, she is just a "Redneck Woman" and I call her "GW" but we all know her as sweet Tonya Lynn Duke.
Tonya Lynn Duke has been a racing fan for years and years, and having 2 children growing up watching the best drivers in the South makes it more enjoyable for her. How could we leave out her pure sweet Mother, who makes her way to see the drivers run at both West Georgia Speedway or The New Senoia Raceway on Saturday nights from March until the gates close.
Here she is is holding her eldest daughter Madison, who loves racing, just like her mother.
Where did Tonya dig up that old West Georgia Speedway shirt?
Her smallest little girl Marissa just listens to the cars crank their huge engines, on a cool night at West Georgia Speedway.
She seems to like racing, but I think she will have to grow into it.
She is smart as a whip, then again how smart is a whip?
She is smart as a whip, then again how smart is a whip?
are missing, she has helped me unload and load my camera gear at New Senoia Raceway and never complained, she has been there with "Water" when I needed some refreshment. She has been encouragement, when I have been down.
Tonya is special, and she helps everyone, I guess that was the way her Father brought her up.
She is simple and doesn't need the most expensive things in life and she is just a joy to hear on the other end of a phone when I am feeling down and blue.
This is a Self portrait, that Tonya took with her camera phone, you can see the kindness in her eyes.
Tonya Lynn Duke is one of those go getter's, she is not afraid of work and she is determined in everything she does from raising her young girls, to making sure her bronco is in running order. She is a beautiful lady with lots of love in her heart.
Her mother Belinda Duke, is a precious "BEAR" , on cold nights at West Georgia Speedway she bundles up with blankets and you can see her cute nose, she is amazing, and her daughter must take after her.

You got to love any woman, who can bring home the fish to fry so the family can all eat good. I mean look at this great catch, by the Redneck Queen of Racing.
How many men had to help you pull this fish in?, oh it was only your hands, amazing.
This was one of the last photo's taken of Tonya father Mark Duke before he passed away, you can see by his smile, he passed her attitude on to his precious daughter.
Some times, GOD takes the best from us, and we hurt so bad, but remember when its all done and finished down here, we can be with them again.

or can she
Many Thanks
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG following!
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