Headed home, showered, blew the dust out of his nose, had some Pizza and got to bed around 4 a.m. got up, had a steak for breakfast and was ready to roll again, back to Senoia Raceway for the Outlaw Sprint car races........nice life....that is Chad Harrington, Georgia's premire FLAGMAN on the stand.
Now this is my kind of fellow, loves Pizza and Steak and what he does for a living, flaging some of the best races in Georgia and Alabama. Folks let me put it this way when Chad is NOT on the flagstand, there is a world of difference and you know he means bussiness.
Friday and Saturday night proved to be some of the best racing at New Senoia Raceway putting on the show was a man that knows his bussiness and his drivers. The Outlaw sprint cars invaded Senoia, Friday night which is what I called the "Dust Bowl" , no rain has not helped anyone here in Georgia, no matter how much water Tim and Tony Moses placed on the track could not help out. The dust was flying as fast as the outlaw sprint cars, as well as the regular shows.

Winning in the Mini Sprint Winged car race was #1 Bobby Zaionz
The Winged Outlaw winner was none other that Terry Gray, who is a proven winner every where he races.
Terry was Saturday night main 30 lap feature winner, and when you say drop the green and go these boys were gone, and before I looked up to check my camera settings they were finished and Chad Harrington was waving the double checkerd flag over the cars as they crossed in front of him.

Pure Mini driver Dusty Jones showed his car had the power to out motor every other pure mini driver on the track including #16 Stephen Hill who had won just a weekend ago, out motoring Jones in a battle of a race.

When it was time for the B-Cadet cars to roll onto the track, gee whiz compared to Friday nights 3 car show we had a total of 5 cars, and out of the 5 #17 Marcus Caswell would sweep both nights in his famous car, Caswell one of the most respected drivers is gettting older but he drives like the wind and puts them all to shame.

Almost every dirt track fan has heard the name "Cat Daddy" or Clint Smith, who is one of the premier drivers of late model cars, well Clint drove the #29 car of Shane Fulchers fathers car on Friday night, but of all things the car broke. No problem Cat daddy took the car to his shop and worked on it and out ran everyone including Jason Williams. Other drivers that were racing were none other than Little Joe Armistead Jr, and so many others.

One thing for sure got their moneys worth of racing and alot more, as the food was being eaten like never before, the stands were packed, and people came from everywhere the Outlaw Sprint car drivers came from 7 or more States, Penn. N.C. Alabama, Miss, Tenn. and Georgia and places I never heard of. Ine thing one thing for sure these drivers do this for a living and traveling is part of the deal.
I want to thank the staff and New Senoia Raceway, for helping me each and every night do what I do best and that is film the incredible races, of some of the best young and older drivers in this sport. From Hobby to B-Cadet to Crate to Late model to those fearless pure mini drivers I have found a new passion for racing because of the magnifisant staff. anks to everyone including all those that help get me set up for filming, who I appreciate so much. Also thanks to the VOICE of Senoia Raceway Ted Austed, who I have become freinds with and a HIGH FIVE goes out to the premier flagman that I have ever seen and that is Chad Harrington.