Its true, this weekend 25 laps will be filled with who knows how many cars all in what is called "Pure Mini Mania" at New Senoia Raceway.
This is the weekend for the best of the best to shine and take home some extra cash, drivers please have your cars ready to rumble.
Fans come early and bring your friends and family this is going to be some wild racing.
The driver that has been on a roll has been none other than #4 of all American, young star driver Dusty Jones, but can he watch wits with drivers like Bo Chambers or Gary Parker or who else decides to make the show.
There is one driver that had his B-Cadet car at Senoia last week only to have it destroyed in a massive wreck on the start of the race. He is young talented Erik Hogsed, who will be driving in the Pure mini mania feature.
All I know is we are about to see some beating and banging, but some driver will make it all 25 laps and be crowned the winner.
The crowds have been huge at Senoia and more and more people are coming out to see the best of the best race.
When you think of Pure Mini Cars you think slow and a headache to watch, but down deep these drivers drive like the late model drivers do, they show their talent on the track and get excited if they win, They may not have the nicest cars as is the case of #13 Gary Parker whose car looks like he takes it to the track races and parks it until next Saturday. Then you have #17J of Joe Spencer who has yet to win a major race but his car looks like it should be the pace car of the race, clean and always looking great. The trouble is Joe runs in the back, next to Rocky Johnson.
With all the talk about the Pure Mini Mania race, hey lets talk about the other great features, like the limited late model race where it was so close between Little Joe Armistead Jr and Jason Williams, who raced for another win, but Little Joe was hanging on so close until his car went south on him and he backed down and Jason Williams took another win.
What caught my eye was the huge battle between Shane Fulcher and Levon Sparks who were having their own personal battle, they went back and forth almost wrecking at one time in the race, but cool driving by Shane brought all the good things out. One thing for sure Shane Fulcher is not a loser and is always looking for ways to make his car faster, I believe that his car this weekend could take the win, if everything stays together.
But again Jason Williams, would win and close in on Levon Sparks who is the points leader. These points are slowly dropping as Williams is catching him.
The B-Cadets will also be racing and Jeff Carter still has the points lead, will he hold on for long, with drivers like Marcus Caswell making the race.
Then you have other drivers that are more or less in the way, but that is why they call it racing.
One fatal mistake of a slide took Jeff Carter from front to 2nd place Saturday night. You have to remember Jeff is running on a worn out motor and he hopes he can make it till the season is over.
The Hobby car race has taken on a new aspect, with the arrival of #16 Austin Horton who is believe it or not driving a bomber car in the hobby race and was giving every one a real run until he cut a tire racing hard against #33 Rusty Johnson.
The man that has a huge points lead is none other than #07 of Cilfton Moran who has dominated the Hobby features, I just think if Austin had not cut the tire he would have given Clifton a run for the money. Lets see what happens this Saturday night in the feature.
Last feature was the Crate race, and again Todd Darda proved he had the car that had to be beaten, even when he had Chase Edge chasing him plus others. Darda is no stranger to the winners circle and again he did what he does best WIN.
The night started somber but everyone all fans stood in silence as the #45 car of a driver that passed away was giving a tribute memorial to his kindness. Michael Cesare in his 40's passed away and I though only the B-Cadet cars would be allowed to show him tribute but my friends there were 40 plus cars all following the number #45 car and every car was from every class, Chad Harrington did what Michael would have dreamed of and that was throw double checkered flags as his car passed the flag stand, and in a moving tribute all cars stopped on the front straight shutting off their motors and every fan standing in silence for the driver that was a class act, maybe they never met Michael but he was a driver and is now gone and who knows he could have won, not this season but he would win and I was going to be the one to capture his win on video.
Tears came out of my eyes as I have lost a friend, but the tribute made me know that Michael would have been smiling from ear to ear, there was no driver that did not like Michael he was a talker and learned his driving on the track. He would trail in his final race on 7-23-11 and with his sister in the stands, which I did not know, he crashed late in the race into a spinning #B7 driven by Tim Bright, no where to go Michael drove head first into Tims car, the next day we talked and he was laughing but he said he had learned and that is what Michael was all about learning that is why he had so many friends.
We hope to see all the pure mini cars at New Senoia Raceway this weekend for Mini Mania, so drivers get ready to rumble and bring your best car to the track.
Many Thanks to everyone, everywhere,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing blog following!
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