Michael was always LOOKING UP!
My close friend, who I laughed and talked with every
week many times is now gone, why? I still have no idea he was a blessing always, he was a joy to know and maybe it makes no sense he was helping me get through the loss of my wife. His joyful tone, his enthusiasm for dirt track racing was so apparent.
Michael Cesare was a dreamer and loved everyone he would meet.

He laughed and talked with other drivers, he was always listening and wanted to make friends with everyone, when the car was damaged he and his partner had to work on it, when it needed it.
He was "Ricky Bobby" of dirt track racing, He was special and everyone knew his smile.

He loved to race the high banks of New Senoia Raceway,he loved racing in the back and was looking forward to his first Checkered flag. I laughed and told him I was hoping I was still filming the races because his win would be like he
won the Daytona 500.
Racing hard among some of the best, like Marcus Caswell, the Brights, Jeff Carter and Blake Griffin, Mark Knight and so many other talented drivers.
Many a Saturday night he would walk around talking to each driver smiling and learning from the best. He would pick up tricks from every driver, and every driver was his friend. When he drove he was driving in the back learning every Saturday night. He was taking his time learning what and when to do things, he was just a joy to be around.

When things went wrong, Michael was the kind of person that never jumped on some other drivers for his mistakes, he would smile , repair and go back to the track and race just as hard.

We would laugh because of his heritage, and I would tell him if he kept eating those good Italian meals he would start winning some big races.

The last time I had to privilege of filming Michael was on July 23, 2011 when he
was racing with the best and getting ready to try and finish in the big $600 to win B-Cadet race, and all during the filming I had the camera back and forth between leaders and Michael, I was watching him make some moves that I had never seen him try. It was the last time I would see him race as he T-Boned Tim Bright who had spun in turn 4 and there was no where for Michael to go, he slammed hard into Tim Bright who was driving Billy Bright Sr's, B-Cadet car, that was hard on him but never hurt him. His car was pulled around to the pit area and the side was torn away from the body.
Remember this had nothing to do with his death, this was just racing and something he laughed and said he learned about, meaning he was sup
posed to save the engine and slide backwards or slide into the car with the body of the car taking the brunt of the force. This again was a learning experience.

This was the last Photo I took of Michael smiling his smile at the sign in window, always joking and laughing and making you feel good
even when you were down and out.
I know his family and friends and loved ones will miss him, and I hope and pray that your prayers go out to his family. Michael was not married, he was single and was happy, he was a man on a mission, what it was I never knew all I do know was he was supposed to be at New Senoia Raceway and stand on the top of the tower with me to see my view of the races, plus he was so excited to watch the "water-less boat race".

This was Michael Cesare, caring fuel to his car, sweating but loving every
minute of life.
Something I will share with you regarding Michael, he was a Minnesota Viking fan,
and with every thing happening in my life with the lose of my wife, I was planing on going with him to the Georgia Dome to see the Minnesota Vikings play the Atlanta Falcons, of course I would be pulling for the Falcons and we would laugh and tease each other regarding the game.

And yes it was true he was planing on changing the color of his race car to the colors of his beloved Minnesota Vikings team, leave it to Michael.
To all his family and fellow friends I have dedicated this "LAST BLOG OF THE LIFE OF MICHAEL CESARE"
Please drivers this coming weekend please bring your cars on the track for a silent parade memorial lap for one of my friends and a great driver, who will be missed so much by everyone.

Chad Harrington, is ready to wave the checkered flag as Michael Cesare comes around turn 4, this would have been his his dream.
We all know GOD loves Dirt track drivers and Michael is smiling today in Heaven.

Thank YOU Michael for all your great conversations, your smile and thank you for being in my life for such a short time, we needed more time.
All Dirt track racers are mourning today and I am sure Tim Moses and his fine staff will see that a Memorial Lap will take place this weekend at New Senoia Raceway, please be there to show your support in a silent lap.
Many Thanks,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG following!
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