At West Georgia Speedways, drivers meeting, can you spot Sammy Duke?
How many of you were there at West Georgia Speedway Saturday Night, and seen a dramatic Hobby car race, they profiled drivers Blant Duke and #29 of Rusty Johnson who one week before was involved in in a 3 car crash, that involved, Joe Hillman, William Blair and Rusty. After the dust of that wreck settled, Johnson and Blair had the worst of that end of the battle.
But this night in "HOT" June was going to be different, first off Sammy's car count was down, and that held to a 4 car hobby race. With the premier drivers being Johnson and Blant Duke.
And these two drivers proved what southern dirt track hobby racing was all about, and that is pure, out down right hard racing. CLEAN, because at anytime Rusty could have taken Blant out of the race, but that is not this 40 year old gentleman's style of racing. I really would have liked to see what a driver like #3 Jeff Carter or #69 Roscoe Collins would have done but they never made the show.

Next Saturday night, Sammy Duke is having the first of his Championship races, this week the Hobby cars will be racing for $500 on the line for first place. You know that is a lot of pocket money, so lets see who shows up to try and take home some extra cash.
Hobby drivers be prepared to take home some cash, and feed the family and friends, as the Hobby Championship Night has arrived!The Modified Mini race was won by long winning driver #6 Richard Bagby, who was back on his mission after being taken out the race in last Night's wreck fest. And Richard never lets him get him down he just comes back like a winning driver and Wins.

Michael "MOUTH", "SHOWCASE" Keener gives Landon home advice as if Landon needs any advice, he has a father that is a big name in racing, Richard Bagby.
The results of the Modified Mini race were:
Winning #6 Richard Bagby

2nd #20 Ryan Heppner
WRONG !!! Chris Upton,Came in 5th !!!
3rd #07 Frank Long
The Enduro race feature, was another race for Winford Minnix to forget, as his #M4 was leading until his motor gave away in a puff of smoke.
"Charge Card" as I call Winford had another bad night, and needs some engine help bad.
So began another night of leading with #91 Lee Owensby, who was leading the way, with #12 Gary Brand following him close and in 3rd, #8 driven by Alton Bowen
But along the way car #77 was sending up smoke and it must have killed every mosquito in Whitesburgh, Ga., I really thought he was toast for the night but believe it or not he finished the race.
The Enduro feature was not a wreck fest, it was more of of a who can blow your engine faster race.

Anyway the finish went as follows:
Winning #91 of Lee Owensby
2nd #12 Gary Brand
3rd #8 Alton Bowen
Now the 4 Hobby cars made there way onto the track, and with 4 cars usually there is no contest of a race, it really means that the race is going to be boring, but wait not this race, as Blant Duke would have his hands full, going against #29 Rusty Johnson, who is known to be a proven track winner
Prior to the race, this old man, of 40 , Rusty Johnson, had to climb under the car and fix a broken part, on the DVD I shot you can see the sparks a flying hard and heavy.
This is the story I was starting my BLOG regarding, even Sammy Duke thought this was the best race he had seen in a long time. I mean if Rusty Johnson wanted to several times he could have taken the always aggressive Blant Duke out of the race by spinning him. No this was not the night, and I believe Blant knew he was in a gun fight, because even after he took the checkered flag, he was still seen circling the track, more or less maybe cool down laps, who knows.
But when the race was done, Blant Duke again was the winner, and he knew he had been in a race.
So the final results of the Hobby race was:

Winning #01 Blant Duke
2nd #29 Rusty Johnson3rd #16 James TaylorMichael Keener, try' s to sway Sammy Duke about a rule or two, just my opinion, but Sammy has his mind made up, by the way that is Tony Kemp listening in the whiteshirt and shorts.
Now the ever so fast Crate Cars were ready to run, and watching them is half as exciting as watching those super fast Sportsman cars.
Michael "Mouth, Showcase" Keener was in his orange and blue, crate car, but since his car was in a wreck at Rome on Sunday, he was not driving the number #8 th at fans were farmilier with, tonight he was in #14 .
This just proves that a number is a number, it takes a good car and a excellant driver to win at the "Burg".
I guess numbers don't matter to him, except winning numbers like $$$ cash, as long as his car is Orange and Blue, you will know "Showcase" Keener is there to race.
The race featured some great drivers, like young and up and coming #89 of Cary Smith, plus veteeran #16 of Tony Kemp.
The race proved to be exciting, but the orange and blue #14 of Michael "Mouth, Showcase" Keener proved he was takintg home some more of Sammy Dukes money.
The Crate results were:
Winning #14 Michael Keener
2nd #16 Tony Kemp
3rd #19 Jeremy Hall

Then it was time, for Intermission, I was so happy because I knew I could go down and enjoy some more food from the concession stand. Good food makes fans happy.
Since the sun had dropped, the weather was cooler and it felt a heck of a lot better than it was when I was walking around the Pit area, talking and meeting some really high profile drivers.
It was amazing to see Abry Merritt back running in the Sportsman class, he has always been a tough driver no matter what class he was in.
Sportsman is where I first met Abry, but later he had to drop down to hobby after he tore up his Sportsman car in a feature race.

One thing for sure is when he is there, he is there to race and race hard. Abry has always had that boyish grin, but when the green drops he becomes another animal. He is hungry and running in the front is where he wants to be, but this was not his night, as he had some car problems and also ran into #25 of Scott Duffey, which messed Merritt's car up, to where he had to pit his car and wait till next Saturday night.
The Sportsman feature was full of the top drivers, like #99 of Rucker Orr, #26 of Fletcher Cavender, and #25 of Scott Duffey, plus drivers like #11 Ryan Law and #13 Roger Cassell, plus other drivers.
When the green flag fell, we were looking for a really exciting race, because two top drivers were on the poll, #26 and #99, so anything was about to happen.
When Keith , West Georgia Speedways. flagman dropped the green flag, Fletcher Cavender fired off and looked like he was pulling away from the feild, only to have Rucker Orr not fire, and what happened next was worse because right under the flagman's stand Fletcher's engine blew, and I mean blew, so he was out of the race and that left.
That left, Ryan Law, Rucker Orr, Scott Duffey and Roger Cassell, plus Rickey Patton, plus 2 or 3 more cars were stll left in the race.
When the race went back under green, Orr was your leader, followed by Ryan Law and chasing him was Scott Duffy, it was amazing to watch, as Orr was pulling away, so I backed my camera out to watch the thrid and forth place battle of Cassell and Duffey, who were going at it.
Ryan Law chased Rucker Orr down, but never had a chance of catching him, he was driving like a mad man, and Scott Duffey was gaining, but he was having trouble with Roger Cassel in his way.
When the Checkered flag fell, #99 Rucker Orr took home another win, and the car we thought finished second which was Ryan Law, but he was disqualified, so that gave Scott Duffey his first time running in 2nd place .
The Results of the Sportsman feature were: 
Winning #99 Rucker Orr
2nd Scott Duffey
3rd Roger Cassell
See You next Saturday Night,
Tino Patti

A Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
With a World Wide Blog Following!
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