“Is Rain in the Forecast for Saturday’s race?”
That would be all we would need is another rain out at Senoia raceway, I mean come on this is getting a little sickening for Dirt Track race fans.
More so with Drivers who work all week on their cars only to have a Saturday nights race rained out.
But hang in there, because it is only a 30% chance of liquid sunshine falling, so maybe again like last Saturday night Senoia Raceway will be spared.
There is nothing worse than coming to a race track all hyped up and ready to see some dirt sling’ in only to find out the race will be called.
The only bad deal with me is if it rains, that means I am not shooting any of the races due to rain ruining some high dollar camera equipment. I hope you can see my part of the deal.
If I was protected inside of a building even behind glass well I would be filming every race.
But those are the breaks in life, right?
Anyway I hope we can go “Green” Saturday night, because even thought it will just be a normal race, meaning the Crate Cars will return, plus the fast Limited Late Models, and we know we are looking for some new winners in these races, we shall also see what is becoming one of the fiercest battles in racing in the B-Cadet Series, with drivers like Jeff Carter, Lee Fuller, maybe Blant Duke, Bobby Slauson, and Jason Causey and of course one or two more B-Cadet cars, it will be a rough and tough night.
To get the show all started will be the Modified Mini races, and we all hope to see Evan Lancaster back, even if he is driving in a new car, because he hit the wall really hard during hot laps prior to last weekends race. I have know idea if Frank Long will return in his famous #07 car.
But how much can we bet that #8 John Caldwell will return after his win Saturday night at Senoia raceway.
When the Hobby class pulls onto the track I believe it will be minus Cory Potts #4 car who we believe is selling his car, this could be a rumor, but who knows in racing. The winner #1 Nathan McBride was also disqualified along with Potts for having unapproved carburetors, so the win went to long time veteran, #M4 of Winford Minix.
Hobby car racing has been something else without #41 Scott Sherrer, who was the man with the bounty on his head for so many races before he crashed in Alabama and is now rebuilding his car. He will be a good sight to see when he does return to Senoia Raceway.
That would be all we would need is another rain out at Senoia raceway, I mean come on this is getting a little sickening for Dirt Track race fans.
More so with Drivers who work all week on their cars only to have a Saturday nights race rained out.
But hang in there, because it is only a 30% chance of liquid sunshine falling, so maybe again like last Saturday night Senoia Raceway will be spared.
There is nothing worse than coming to a race track all hyped up and ready to see some dirt sling’ in only to find out the race will be called.
The only bad deal with me is if it rains, that means I am not shooting any of the races due to rain ruining some high dollar camera equipment. I hope you can see my part of the deal.
If I was protected inside of a building even behind glass well I would be filming every race.
But those are the breaks in life, right?
Anyway I hope we can go “Green” Saturday night, because even thought it will just be a normal race, meaning the Crate Cars will return, plus the fast Limited Late Models, and we know we are looking for some new winners in these races, we shall also see what is becoming one of the fiercest battles in racing in the B-Cadet Series, with drivers like Jeff Carter, Lee Fuller, maybe Blant Duke, Bobby Slauson, and Jason Causey and of course one or two more B-Cadet cars, it will be a rough and tough night.
To get the show all started will be the Modified Mini races, and we all hope to see Evan Lancaster back, even if he is driving in a new car, because he hit the wall really hard during hot laps prior to last weekends race. I have know idea if Frank Long will return in his famous #07 car.
But how much can we bet that #8 John Caldwell will return after his win Saturday night at Senoia raceway.
When the Hobby class pulls onto the track I believe it will be minus Cory Potts #4 car who we believe is selling his car, this could be a rumor, but who knows in racing. The winner #1 Nathan McBride was also disqualified along with Potts for having unapproved carburetors, so the win went to long time veteran, #M4 of Winford Minix.
Hobby car racing has been something else without #41 Scott Sherrer, who was the man with the bounty on his head for so many races before he crashed in Alabama and is now rebuilding his car. He will be a good sight to see when he does return to Senoia Raceway.
Coming soon sometime this year is #K1 of Kip Stanfill, a driver that has out preformed so many drivers in so many races, and when he brings his “BLACK #K1” to Senoia Raceway that is when the Hobby car races will be on! Kip is working on his car daily but since he works and owns his own shop called Kips Automotive in Douglasville Georgia it is taking him longer than he wants. He is determined to be behind the wheel before racing season is over at Senoia raceway, and I know the fans will love Kip because he is a no nonsense driver.
When the Pure Mini Stock came out we had a change in winners again Saturday night as young tall Steven Hill in his #16 blazed the trail around the track as if he owned it. In hot pursuit was #4 of Dusty Jones who knows how to win at Senoia. Another driver that was hot on their tails was #7 of Russell Bright and when a Bright is chasing you I hope you are moving fast because he can and will run you down.
Coming soon sometime this year is #K1 of Kip Stanfill, a driver that has out preformed so many drivers in so many races, and when he brings his “BLACK #K1” to Senoia Raceway that is when the Hobby car races will be on! Kip is working on his car daily but since he works and owns his own shop called Kips Automotive in Douglasville Georgia it is taking him longer than he wants. He is determined to be behind the wheel before racing season is over at Senoia raceway, and I know the fans will love Kip because he is a no nonsense driver.
When the Pure Mini Stock came out we had a change in winners again Saturday night as young tall Steven Hill in his #16 blazed the trail around the track as if he owned it. In hot pursuit was #4 of Dusty Jones who knows how to win at Senoia. Another driver that was hot on their tails was #7 of Russell Bright and when a Bright is chasing you I hope you are moving fast because he can and will run you down.
I have to mention this to make sure all the drivers are prepared for the female driver of the year to grace the track again in her #77 car, and it is “Purple” I am speaking of non other than Joyce Price, a soon to be racing legend in motor sports.
I hope you men are ready to race with this fine outstanding driver, FEMALE driver #77 Joyce Price when she comes back to Senoia raceway soon. If you are wondering who she is look for the “Purple” Car, that will be Joyce.
When the Enduro cars were racing it was so strange seeing the Elderly Spokesman Mike Ray and his famous #99 sitting in the grandstands just watching the race, it was like he was on vacation. Come on Mike get back in that car, we need to see some super racing.
Glad to see #86 of young “Pappy Powell”, a legend of his own. Pappy would go on to finish in 6th place and winning the race was young #4 of Michael Nelms.
Greg Butler in car #23 finished in 2nd place and following him was #16 Austin Horton.
All in all the race went all 15 laps and no crashes of any kind, maybe next time we can get “Mike Ray” back in his #99 car so we know we will see some action.
Hope the rain holds off and everyone get ready for some great racing from the New Senoia Raceway, where everything is great from the racing to the food.
Until next time see ya at the races!
Tino Patti

A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG Following!
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