It's Friday or You ready for Race Day?
Racing at West Georgia Speedway this weekend should be exciting and if you were not there in person on Saturday night, you missed some of the best southern modified mini racing in a long time. If you have a DVD of the race it will make you stand up and cheer.
As #06 of Richard Bagby returned to "The Burg" and put on a show, he raced as hard as his mustang would go, but giving him more challenges than anyone ever before was #07 Frank Long, these were two veteran drivers, not taking each other out, but making sure they knew they were in a race. Richard had won 6 races in a row, before deciding not to race at West Georgia because he thought Sammy was going to call the race, which never happened. So on this wet night, Frank Long took the win, and that's what made him want this win.
The race was so good I can not describe, the intense action, as both Richard nor Frank would back down, and they were doing some real race rubbing. But when the action was over and the checkered flag had waved above Richards car, you could see he was worn out. But out of respect, Frank Long as he was passing him on what I call the cool down lap is giving Richard the thumbs up sign for such a great race.
Now for Richard's secret of winning, it all plain and simple every time his cheering section comes, this precious girls arrive, he wins.

Now all we need to do is teach up and coming driver #9 of Chris Upton to tie a chain on Richards bumper and he will know how a veteran

The Enduro race should be less of a challenge since two cars I hear will not be racing, and that would be #91 of Lee Owensby and #6 of Eddie Swofford. This was all due to the major wreck they were in Saturday night, they may be suspended, but that is the track officials call.
So if any Enduro show up, I am sure Winford Minnix will be taking a easy win in his #M4 car.

Not even #92 of Joe Hillman could keep pace with Blant.
I wonder what would have happened if #3 Jeff Carter's car would have made the race. We should have seen a great race. Jason Causey and Charlie Garrett or always in the mix of the action, but they are no match for Blant for some reason.
Jeff may show up Saturday Night then again he may have not gotten his parts or also his wife has been sick and he may want to stay with her.

One thing is for sure if Roscoe Collins ever returns, Blant better hang on, because he will not have a cake walk of a race. When #69 is on the track everyone knows it.
As for as the Crate Car race is, let hope its better than last Saturday nights show, where 3 cars showed up.
As for as the Crate Car race is, let hope its better than last Saturday nights show, where 3 cars showed up.
We all knew that #8 of Michael Keener, would beat #19 of Jeremy Hall and we had no idea where #89 of Carey Smith in his new Orange crate car would come in. "
This weekend I am hoping that #16 Tony Kemp will make the show and if so he will give Michael Keener a run for the money. Kemp is a local fan favorite down at West Georgia Speedway.
This weekend I am hoping that #16 Tony Kemp will make the show and if so he will give Michael Keener a run for the money. Kemp is a local fan favorite down at West Georgia Speedway.
As for as #89 Carey Smith goes, this young man known by me as "Wild Thing" could end up anywhere.
So when the crate car racing is over be prepared for the onslaught hitting the concession stand, for fresh burgers, fries, onion rings, hot dogs, plus corn dogs and nachos, cheese and jalapenos, not to mention a cold drink.
When the intermission is over , the fans or ready for the premier race of the night, the Sportsman race.
Here is the race that fans have come to see with names like #G1 of Glenn McWaters, #99 of Rucker Orr, #11 Ryan Law, #13 of Roger Cassell, not to mention up and coming drivers like #25 of Scott Duffy and #B2 of Clifton Moran, known better as "Hog Head". Then we may be treated to see #18c of Shane Criswell.
You never know who will show up at West Georgia Speedway to not only battle the over drivers, but take on the track known as "The Burg".
When the race is over, and your car has taken the checkered flag, you have not only won, you have beaten "The Burg" and that is something you can always be proud of.
Racing at "Historic" West Georgia Speedway, is not only exciting it is down right southern entertaining.
Hope to see you at the track,
Thanks to all,
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
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