When ever it is a Full Moon, racing takes some strange twists of events, from Modified Mini to Sportsman every race had something strange.
Take the Modified Mini race, it was in the hot laps one car, slammed the other and they were both heading down the straight sideways. This was the beginning.
When the feature began, we had a all out war between two of the best drivers in Modified Mini, and that of course was #6 Richard Bagby and his rival #07 Frank Long, they beat and bumped each other, it was racing like everyone once to see. Nothing dirty just down right down home southern style racing. Put it this way it was what racing is all about, sportsmanship at it's best, but Richard was not backing down and since Frank Long won the week before he was wanting to win this race bad. The racing was so intense that I did not hear my spotter inform me the flagman had dropped the white flag, I was so buried in watching Bagby and Long duel it out, I forgot that this was the checkered flag lap, and I missed seeing that flag drop over Richard's car, no big deal, when you see what I mean. Also here is the secret to Richards, winning, it's his army of beautiful girls, or good luck charms.

The results from the Modified Mini race were:
Winning #6 Richard Bagby
2nd #07 of Frank Long
3rd #20 Ryan Heppener
When the Enduro race was ready run, we were missing one car, and that was super charged #M4 of Winford Minnix, he must have wanted to stay home with his wife. So the field was narrowed to #91 of Lee Owensby and #6 driven by Eddie Swofford, and #8 of Dustin Smith, not to mention a few more cars.
Owensby was leading the race, but car #6 of Swofford was gaining and not giving up, as for as I was concerned the 3rd place car of #8 Dustin Smith looked like he would be out of the running except for maybe a 3rd place finish.
SURPRISE! like I said this was a Full Moon Saturday Night, it was on the last lap, that #6 car was determined he was going to pass Owensby, and he was leaning all over Lee's car, when all of a sudden Lee lost control, and started to spin, that is when #8 of Dustin Smith seen his chance and passed both cars on the outside and headed for the checkered flag. In the mean time , Lee and #6 of Swofford were still coming unglued and as soon as the #6 Swofford started in to turn 4, Lee wound up his car and rammed him, with such a force that on the film, you can see Lee's big car airborne, it was meant to happen. Two drivers just don't beat and bang and nothing happens some one looses his cool, in this case I say it was Lee but that is my opinion, you make your own call.
The most incredible shot was of Lee Owensby after the crash standing on the roof of his torn up car with his hands raised, he was howling at the MOON.
The order of Finish were
Winning #8 Dustin Smith
2nd #121 Anthony Mayo ( Who is Anthony Mayo)
3rd #91 Lee Owensby
Not the big HOBBY class cars took to the track, and this looked like a real down home race.
You had some of the best drivers on the track, but we were missing one driver, and that was Big Jeff Carter #3 who during hot laps broke a rocker arm, so he was not in the feature

In the race were #92 of Joe Hillman, #GT47 of Charlie Garrett, #47 of Jason Causey and car #29, plus of course Blant Duke.

Racing at West Georgia Speedway has always been a challenge, but some drivers were born to race there and win. So is the case of #01 Blant Duke, his Grandfather is the legendary promoter of the Speedway and is of course Sammy Duke, you can not miss this man, with so many talents. Just look for a Ford 5600 Blue tractor and a man smoking or chewing on a cigar, and smiling and that is Sammy Duke.
But to the Hobby Feature, since Jeff Carter was out of the race, that left only Joe Hillman to try and beat Blant, of course there was GT47 of Charlie Garrett and who would dare leave out #47 of Jason Causey. You still had a race and when the green flag fell, Hillman headed for the front, the only trouble was he had Blant Duke chasing him, and that is never good. While I was watching the race, I could see Blant making his way through the pack of cars, and when Blant is on the move he is charging.
Coming out of turn 4 Blant got into the side of Joe Hillman and spun Joe, and I thought, Joe would come back with avengense, but Hillman just chased Blant and that is all he could do. You want the truth, this young racer is a born winner, he takes chances and never gives up. That is something that I once knew Joe Hillman to do, I mean he was a winner, but since he is not driving his famous #01J he has to rely on #92 not owned by Joe, and something every time he races goes wrong, in this race his motor ran hot.
Now my question? Is there anyone that can beat Blant Duke in the Hobby car feature? Let me know what you think, the only car that even looked like he might out run Blant was #3 of Jeff Carter, who did not make the race and then there is #69 of Roscoe Collins, now that would be the race of all time, Collins against Duke and Hillman and Carter.
Come on back, Roscoe, the hobby feature needs you!!!!.
The order of Finish for the Hobby cars:

Winner was #01 Blant Duke
2nd #92 of Joe Hillman
3rd #47 Jason Causey
Then we had the most boring race of the night, and it usually is a dandy,
race,but there were only 3 cars in the race, and the one that wins all the time is #8 of Michael Keener, his only challenges were from #19 Jefferey Hall and the newly painted car of Carey Smith driving the Orange #89.
Since #16 Tony Kemp was not racing, we were in for a real let down, I mean, if Tony would have been lined up, he would have given Michael Keener known as "Mouth" a real battle royal. Since he had only to race #19 Jeremy Hall and #89 Carey Smith, or as I have nicknamed h

So the results of the Crate race were:
Winning #8 of Michal Keener
2nd #19 Jeffery Hall
and in 3rd place #89 of Carey Smith
Then W

Now the fans could sit back and get ready for the fastest cars to take the track, and those of course are the sportsman cars. This is one of the most anticipated races

And who would be on the pole, #99 Rucker Orr and next to him the famous #G1 of Glenn McWaters, two of most feared drivers. Of course we can't leave on #25 of Scott Duffy and #13 of Roger Cassell, and don't ever forget the winner of last weekends strangest races, in thee dense fog, #11 of Alabama native Ryan Law, by the way Ryan is just 21 years old.
Like I said this night would be strange, maybe the Full Moon had something to do with it, because level headed driver #99 Rucker Orr blasted off and was on his way to a sure win, even though he has Glenn McWaters trailing him, my sources say Glenn had a smaller engine, well it made no difference in how he was racing. trailing not far behind was up and coming star, Scott Duffy in his white #25 car, Scott came in 3rd in the FOG race last weekend. He seems to have just a little trouble in turn 1 and coming out of turn 2, because he spins his car there all the time. I am sure he will work that problem out and once he does he will become a force.
As the race went on, I could see this was going to be a gun fight, just who brought the biggest gun?.
McWaters was not letting Orr out of his site, and for a little man, Glenn can drive like he is a giant. Rucker on the other hand is a giant and is confident with his crew and car. He once told me "Racing is Racing, sometimes you win, and sometimes you loose". To be honest Rucker is not a losing driver, he pushes his car, as well as McWaters does, that is why they are winners.
Now it gets crazy, as Rucker had the race won, he came up on a slower car #28 driven by Darrell Goodman, and instead of slowing or going around him, Rucker gave him a push, and that turned both cars and got Orr squirrely.
That is when Glenn seen the day light, or FULL MOON, and drove high avoiding both Orr and Goodman, once he was in the open, it was all Glenn McWaters from there to the checkered flag, so you see racing can be strange and when there is a full moon, anything will and can happen.
The Order of Finish goes:

Winner #G1 Glenn McWaters
2nd #13 Roger Cassell
3rd #11 Ryan Law
Thanks and see you at the races,

Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/ Video Journalist
With a WORLD WIDE BLOG Following !!
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