" Some day's or great, people are nice, then you have some rude people that can spoil your day, why?"

How many times, have you sat down in front of your loyal and trusty computer, thinking every thing is going to be alright, when "BAM", your work machine has just decieded to take a leap off the highest building and you have no control of the problems.
Well on Friday morning before the race weekend, that is what happened to me that is also why my blog is late in running. I try and have it out on Monday, and Wensday and of course a late edition on Friday.
Some things can't be helped, and so we have to pay the man to fix the problems or we have to sit back and feel sorry, in my case feeling sorry is not in my vocabulary. I have enough problems, physically as well as a sick wife that needs attention. I have no need for time to feel sorry for myself.
Plus I have friends, who drive fast race cars, and I have their families , who I care so much for.
When I started to write this blog, I was writing also for MSA magazine, and I thought what the heck I have plenty of time, what could it hurt.
But now I have a following that I want to make sure knows what is going on at West Georgia Speedway, I am not doing this for the Speedway, I am just trying to help promote one of the most Historic race tracks in the south, and NO I am not getting paid for my BLOGS.
Racing has always been the most exciting sport to come my way, I know I could be out photographing weddings, or Goverment officials but I would rather walk around West Georgia Speedway and talk to some super nice people. I have no time to argue, and if I can be your friend I will be more than happy to listen to your problems. I will also try and make sure that I always write something positive about those I meet.
GOD has blessed me with a talent, and I plan on using it the best I can.
I have never photographed a person or person's that I have busted a camera on, every one person is special.
I want to thank each and every person, driver or fan, that has prayed for my wife, when things did not look good. You are all so special.
And for all those drivers that do buy DVD's from me I am always trying my best at every race I video. I personally THAN

I have gotten some complaints regarding drivers and things I have said, but you have to take it this way, I speak to many drivers and they give me their thoughts as to what happened during a race, yes I am filming but they are in those cars, and racing at high speeds, so their input is important to me. I never want to upset any reader that thinks I am downgrading their favorite driver. All I am doing is trying to tell my side of what happened, and "I WILL NEVER DOWNGRADE THE TRACK OR ANY OF THE OFFICIALS", they have the calls, I just film and enjoy watching some rough and tough racing.

Some one once said "IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT, GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN", that says it for me in a nutshell.
Remember, every driver I write about is special, and I will always try and make sure they get some positive headlines, I don't care who they are.
If I have offended any reader, I am sorry, but what happens on the track will always be reported as I see it, and I will not argue with anyone.life is too short for that, so read the blog and enjoy.
Happy Hump Day too All,
Tino Patti

A Freelance Photograper/Video Journalist
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