A Phrase from Rucker Orr “He was so happy he had to sit on his hands”
First off I want to personally say that “I am so sorry for all the Pure Mini drivers” that I said I was going to stay and film their races, I had planned on it, but I got a call on my cell line regarding my wife, and that she was sick, so without a thought, I left after the Sportsman car feature, I know I had said I was about to stay for you Pure Mini race and I always keep my word, but when you get worried when you have a sick family member, all you want to do is make sure they are fine. So Pure Mini drivers forgive me and I will work with you next time.
The Modified Mini Championship had all the cars we expected, like #16 Huie Stewart, #07 Frank Long, #6 Richard Bagby, and #T3 Allan Brewster.
The race looked like it was going to be a really a really hard race, and the top drivers were there at “The Burg”, I tell you, it was great seeing long time legend driver Richard Bagby at the track again after a long absence. His driving seemed a little rusty, and you could tell he was racing hard because even though he slid up against the wall and looked like he was finished he straightened his car up and kept on ticking, he was going on when others were dropping out of the race.
Guess what? I got the chance to meet Huie Stewart, and he is a kick in the butt. There is no way you can not like him.
His pit crew keeps his car winning, and he drives like “Tony Stewart”.
He parks on top of the hill so that other modified mini car drivers can not see that he has arrived. He is playing tricks or is he?
One thing for sure is when #07 Frank Long is racing you know we will see some battles, and I was looking forward to a Long Bagby duel, but that was not happening as Huie Stewart was racing like he never raced before, leading all the way.
Stewart is an outstanding driver, and has lots of great crew people that come along to help him.
You know Richard was racing so hard and you know he made it up to third place, in a race that would see many cars drop out of the race. One thing was for sure, Bagby, gives it all no matter what or where he races.
So the finish went the way Huie Stewart liked, he would go on to win, with long time champion Frank Long came in second, and coming in third place was Richard Bagby. I have also learned that maybe next season, Richard will be going back to his number on his car he had for years and that was #19, a number that when you think of Richard Bagby that was his all time winner number.
Every driver came to win, and that was all there was too it, but there could be only one winner and he was #16 Huie Stewart who drove a flat out winning race, he never looked back.
I know Richard Bagby and Frank Long were also racing plus Allan Brewster was also just trying to catch up to these super fine drivers.
Needles to say the Championship Win went to one of the hottest Modified Mini driver in a long time, and long awaited 30 lap main Modified feature. We all wish Huie Stewart, congratulations Huie, and all his amazing pit crew workers.
So the official finish went this way:
Winning the Championship Huie Stewart.
Coming in 2nd was Frank Long
And in third place was Richard Bagby
This weekend 13 cars showed up to be in the feature, at the end #12 Gary Brand would take the checkered flag, just out racing #02 of Blant Duke, who was driving instead of Blake Duke, and then #M4 “Charge Card” Winford Minnix slipped by Blant Duke and got himself a second place finish. Racing is hard at the “Burg” and nothing is easy. No driver will give you an easy win, you have to work for every inch of the track and hope you have enough room to spare.
I spoke with Gary prior to the race trying to get to know him, but I found he was hard to speak with. We did joke about the condition of his car, and he said “Just look for the ugliest car and that is mine”. Which is true his passenger side has been caved in do to being tee-boned early in the racing season, and he just never wanted to repair the damage.
One thing for sure is Gary knows how to race and when to make a move, he took some heavy bumping from #02 which we now know was driver Blant Duke, and one thing is for sure if Blant can move you he will.
The young Duke is a mainstay in the Hobby feature and wins when he is on the track. He is born with dirt in his blood.
The Hobby championship will be coming up and that will be the show down between last night hobby winner #3 Jeff Carter who with his new car, can out run anyone, but can he out run Blant Duke?
Put it this way someone has to give, and I am sure Carter will not, and I know Blant Duke will not budge, so someone in the Hobby championship is going down and down slow.
Just thinking about the Hobby Championship gets me ready for the car to line up and take that long awaited green flag.
All I can say is if you are any kind of racing fan this is the race you will need to see and be there, because the gloves are on and the racing will be intense.
Getting back to the Enduro race, we had a winner and that was #12 Gary Brand
In second place was #M4 of Winford Minnix
And in 3rd place finished #02 of Blant Duke – they gave the win to BLAKE DUKE on the westgaspeedway.biz website but Blant was driving.
Then it time for the hobby race, minus #01 of Blant Duke and #57 of Lee McElwanyne plus Mark Knight.
The race did feature in his new hobby car, “Big” Jeff Carter in his still unlettered yellow and red super fast car.
Plus there was next to him #03 of Buck Williams, who son is Sportsman driver #73 Jason Williams, then we had a car #14 of David Chopman. Also in this race were long time veteran #47 Jason Causey, and #22 of William Blair.
The only car that would matter in this race was Carters #3 as he took the track in a storm. As a matter of fact the car was so fast it almost got away from him as he made his way around turn 2. He hung on like a veteran because William Blair was about to pass Jeff but Carter hit the pedal and left Blair in the dust. Later in the race William Blair’s car lost some parts that shot up and into Jason Causeys car, and caused Causey’s car to flame up, as soon as I seen the flames under his hood I panned in on him close as he made his way around turn 4 down the straight and eased it over heading into turn one where he stopped and fire crews were on the scene putting out the blaze. Jason looked so calm, I mean hey Dude your car was on fire, so come on?
The race would last 25 laps and at the end would come out a victorious #3 Jeff Carter who in earlier years I nicknamed “The Magic Man” and you know his night of magic came true.
Winning the Hobby race was #3 Jeff Carter
In second place car #14 David Chopman
And in third place finished #47 Jason Causey
That set up the CRATE Feature or (Crateless feature)
But instead of having a really fast feature, would you believe we had to watch 2 cars, that’s what I said 2 cars race 10 laps and those 2 cars were father and Son team, #14 Pete Cochran, unbeatable and his 18 year old son #27 Petey Cochran.
All I can ask is where were Tony Kemp, or Jeremy Hall, how about #89 Carey Smith?
Where were they?
.This was a cake walk for Pete Cochran, and I am sure that he loved the idea of his son racing on same track, with no one else, I mean guess what Pete came in first again as a winner and his son got the taste of cruising and getting paid for 2nd place. They would take the cash home tonight, so the Crate car winners tonight were the unstoppable, “COCHRANS”.
If you have a Crate car, and can beat Pete come on down to West Georgia Speedway and give him a try, so far he is the man that owns the crate class.
Then it was Sportsman Time
These are the men you pay to see and watch race, the cars with the most power, and the drivers that have the talent and raw nerves it takes to dive in and out of corners here at West Georgia Speedway.
Drivers like #99 Rucker Orr, a talent that comes down from his father who was a legend in his own right. I am speaking about Ken Orr Sr. that driving force behind his son.
Then there is the quiet small man, who lets his driving prove he is the best. I am talking about #G1 Glenn McWaters whose red sportsman car is a warning sign when he is on the track. Glenn does not like 2nd place and he will race you hard and clean, but when the race is over G1 is the one taking the checkered flag.
Then you have the young guns as I call them the drivers with pure talent and maybe not enough experience, like #11 of Ryan Law from Piedmont, Alabama. Then we have #73 of Jason Williams a force that is going to have to be tamed, as he is the driver that I look toward as being the next man to
Take the next step up the long Sportsman ladder of success.
When Orr and McWaters are at the track, everyone takes a backseat, but like I said we have some drivers like Williams and Law that are charging toward the front.
We all know that on given nights Orr or McWaters will not make the show, so that only opens the door for drivers that have never won at the Burg before. One driver that you have to feel for is young #28D Darrell Frick, he comes to the race giving it his all, and you know his car lets him down, why?
Then you have drivers that have ice in their veins like Rucker Orr, a no non sense driver, that driver that makes his car work every inch of the track and never backs down.
He and Glenn McWaters are so alike, and then they are so different when they are not on the track. Glenn can make anyone laugh and Rucker is a man I respect. Like he said once when his car broke down, “It’s just racing”.
Drivers who line up in this feature are the best and the fans should make sure they give them the credit they disserve.
When you race at the “Burg” you race against a track with so much history and those that win there are considered the best, no matter what class or feature, if you can win at West Georgia Speedway “You’re the Best”.
The Sportsman feature was filled with lots of left turns, but every time out Rucker Orr would have the lead, with Glenn chasing him down, and behind him was hard charging #73 of Jason Williams, I knew Williams had what it would take to beat Orr and McWaters but I never know when that will happen. One thing for sure is Williams has his car set right and all I can say is, that it is a matter of time before you see Jason Williams out running Orr and McWaters.
Racing went on, until McWaters tried to pass Rucker coming out of turn two, when Orr closed the door and Glenn Spun out, thinking he would stay in the race I followed with my camera his car make the slow trip around the track, only to see him pull into the pits where his crew looked at the problem and told him to load up he was done for the night.
All this with just a few laps to run, and Williams just did not have the motor to catch Rucker, but who knows what will happen next weekend, so be there and be a part of history.
And remember support your favorite driver no matter who he might be.
The Sportsman feature finish went like this
Winning #99 Rucker Orr
In second place #73 Jason Williams
And in third place #11 Ryan Law
I personally want to apologize to the Pure Mini drivers who I promised I would stay and film, drivers like #16 Steven Hill driving Tim Colliers winning car, plus my friend, #21 Randy Brady Sr. who came in third and I know I should have stayed but when you have know idea how your wife is doing, because she was not answering the phone, all kinds of things run through your mind, and the last thing is filming a race.
So to all you pure mini drivers I am sorry, and I am sure that being the men you are will accept this heartfelt apology.
I will make it up to you this weekend or next, or when ever you say.
Many Thanks
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
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Thanks for reading and enjoy the races!!
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