Meet the Man behind, Sammy Duke, owner of West Georgia Speedway.
“Racing West Georgia style, and MORE”
Things can be said about racing at the Historic old speedway located in Whitesburg, Georgia, but I am here to tell you some things that maybe you don’t believe then again I hope you will.
Racing on this night would take a change in history, sure you had pure hard driving winners, plus you had cars that chased and those that spun.
All in all racing was different and it was because of a young man that knows how and when to drive. He is Steven Parker, who drives in the Enduro class of racing at West Georgia Speedway.
Meeting Steven you would not imagine how much is behind and in-depth and serious this driver is. You look at Steven and he has this extra glow, he is never down, when most drivers would be coming unglued regarding problems with the car, or just plain upset, Steven stands high above them all. Now this is not a Steven Parker fan club letter, but it is a lets think the way he does for a change.
For the fans that do not know him, look at the Enduro class and try and recall the #55 car, black with white letters. “Can you remember it now?”
s get down to something that everyone needs to know, Steven and his wife Tina have plenty of foster children and they were all at the race Saturday night, getting ready to watch Steven race in his feature, his mother “Louise” and His Stepfather were there, the stage was set for them to cheer Steven to a Win, but that’s where it gets strange, and I need you to listen here very carefully.
Parker was racing at West Georgia Speedway in maybe lets say his 2nd race when he cut a tire down, he went into the pit area, and before they could change his tire the race went green again, so he knew he was out of the money or was he?.
If he had returned to the track in time he would have been in the middle of a 3 or 4 car pile up. “Someone was looking out for Steven”,(referring to the Lord), don’t you think?
After the pile up, believe it or not he finished in 4th place and got a winners purse, how much not even Steven does not know because he never counted it. He was thanking the Lord for keeping him safe. Sure you say, “That’s crazy”, but on Sunday Steven and his wife Tina went to church located in Anniston, Alabama, their church of choice Beth-El Baptist Church, and when it was time for the deacons to take up that Sunday’s offering, Steven, who had never looked in the envelope from racing at West Georgia Speedway placed it in the basket, and gave it to the real man “GOD”.
Saturday Night, Steven was ready; he was all set to race with the other Enduro cars in his feature. Ok, now it gets strange it gets stranger, but those who understand will know what was happening.
Sure his car was skipping, no real problem, and yes Ritchie Taylor was in his pit area, making sure Steven was ready to run.
Let’s get crazier, Steven said he heard the man upstairs (the LORD) say “Don’t Go Out There”. Strange why should he not race in his feature?
It was all because he had the “Weirdest Feeling”, again he said he heard the man upstairs (GOD tell him not to go out and race and he was in a car that had a chance of winning. Nobody understood his reasoning for not racing, not even Richie Taylor, that famous Enduro plus hobby car driver, could understand at that time.
Then it all came out why he was not supposed to race. Car #31 driven by Randy Blair, who Parker was supposed to be right next to, was involved in a tremendous crash that sent his car up the wall and down the front straightaway.
This is where Blair’s car came to a stop on the roof, under the flag stand. People came out of the stands, the flagman Brandon Duke rushed to the drivers rescue, plus emts and the ambulance headed onto the track. I heard the drivers’ wife literally passed out and Steven Parker was there to hold her up, she was all in pieces.
I was filming and every time a wreck of any kind happens my main worry is for the driver, I know their families must be all going crazy, when a member of their family is involved in any wreck. My camera is rolling and I try and make sure I see that the driver of any wreck walks away safe and sound, as did in this wreck Randy Blair did, and when my camera focused it was on him hugging his wife, as she was the one that had come unglued. Randy Blair walked away, and will return some time down the road, I am sure, he will always remember the wild ride he took heading down the front straight of West Georgia Speedway.
In racing it is always true, cars crash, drivers are tossed and turned and tumbled and bounced around. Some drivers never return do to the pressure a family puts on them, then again, some get right back in to their cars and return to racing, no questions asked.
So if you really want to talk about Steven Parker, this has been a “Pure Testimony” from one class driver.
He even requested that the PRAYER be returned before the start of every race, he asked Sammy Duke regarding it, and Sammy said he would have a prayer next Saturday night prior to the race.
He left the speedway, knowing he did not win in the race, but he knew he was a true winner, in his heart because GOD had been with him, and told him NOT to race that night.
Richie Taylor looked up, after the wreck of Blair’s car and pointed upwards. Now I am not saying that Steven hears GOD speak to him and only him, it’s just that like you and I have had times when we knew something was going to happen, no matter how small. We knew something bad was about to happen. So please don’t think you are myself can’t hear GOD speak to us, because he can. If you remember in the Bible got spoke through the use of a “Jackass”.
If he can use a Jackass he can sure speak to me, by any means.
So don’t get any ideas that Steven Parker has gone off the deep end because he is just as sane as you or I am.
Everyone has bad nights, but you work through them, my troubles were microphone problems, but I am not worrying I will pray about my problem and give it to the LORD and next weekend should be better for everyone including Steven who will be back Saturday night for racing action in the Enduro feature.
Now that I have gone off discussing the Enduro race, and Steven Parker, let’s get down to the Modified Mini race.
I know that top driver Richard Bagby was not at the “Burg” so he must be still having race engine problems.
Drivers that were in the Modified Mini race were Todd Brewster, Allen Brewster, and Frank Long plus #20 Ryan Heppner.
The feature was more like a small crash fest with even the Brewster’s getting involved in crashing only Todd would have to drop out of the race. When the green dropped again, Allen Brewster had the lead, and seemed to be cruising, when all of a sudden Frank Long and Ryan Heppner put a squeeze play on Brewster’s car, and edged him out. So there it was Long, Heppner battling like old times. Then Heppner for some reason his engine took a dive and it was all Frank Long again, I mean he was in front and no one was catching him.
What was worse, Ryan Heppner had to pull his car into the pit area as his engine took a clear nose dive.
That left it clear racing for non other than Frank Long. He was in front and no one was catching him, which really meant for some boring racing action, but I am sure Frank Long would see it differently. The race came to a end with Frank Long winning and coming in a distant second was #3 of Allen Brewster.
The Enduro feature was up for grabs, and when I say that I mean it. Let’s see #91 of Lee Owensby was again back in his own car, but something was missing, like that hard charger “Winford Minnix” who if he was in the race was really not showing his car, which is purple and you can see it everywhere, expect I must have been blind. He could have been there I will check the video footage again later. Starting on the Pole was #47, do you have any idea who he was?
Next to him on the starting pole was #12 one of the cars that I believe the driver never worries about the body of his car, because his car is been is some wrecks and I can’t even tell what his number is without looking at the starting grid.
Starting in the back was #91 Lee Owensby, and I had been keeping a eye on the “Lee Lee’s” car as he is known, he was battling car #86 were having their own battles running in the middle of the pack.
BUT missing was #55 of Steven Parker, and we already let you know why he did not start at the top of my story.
The winning driver was car #47
Coming in 2nd place was #12
And in 3rd place was #91 of Lee Owensby.
Driving not making the show, were Lee McElwanyne, as well as Joe Hillman.
Starting on the pole was #07, next to him was car #77, and running in the 2nd row, was the new improved race car of Jeff Carter in his sharp new #3 with a brand new body style, one that fits the man, and one that should make him a winner soon at West Georgia Speedway. Then there was the old standby, #01 of Blant Duke, who had his car running like he always does.
When the race went green, #07, had the lead, and #77 was giving a great chase, but his #77 car would blow his engine and that would end his night.
That would leave the track wide open for Blant Duke to run like he always does, fast and loose. He had no one to try and catch him. The only car that looked like he had a chance was #3 of Jeff Carter, but his night would end fast for Carter as he had a gear break. So instead of finishing in 3rd place Carter would be out early.
Coming out of turn 4 was a slower cars, that was seemingly a
sleep at the wheel, When Blant Duke came out of 4 he was almost involved in a wreck himself. But luckily he slowed his car enough to get around who ever was driving car #14.
The order of finish was simple,
Winning was the #01 of Blant Duke
In 2nd place was #
07 Derick Head
And in 3rd place was #24 James Farmer
The order of racing was changed for some strange reason, instead of having the Crate feature, we had the Sportsman run, and Sammy Duke was changing the racing order.
So it was time for the SPORTSMEN Feature race
So starting on the pole was #99 of Rucker Orr and next to him was the always super fast #18C of Shane Criswell. Also in the race were exciting drivers like #B2 of Clifton Moran, plus as a added factor was Mark Knight driving #10 of Anthony Hills back up Sportsman car. Then there was young and talented driver #28D of Darrel Frick, who has been learning to drive his new sportsman car, with a engine that is a “Beast”.
Now all Frick needs to do is really learn to hit his marks and learn to drive his new fast car.
The race started like everyone expected with Rucker Orr blowing away everyone in the field. Even Shane Criswell in his #18C was only able to give chase to Orr.
The real battle was between #B2 of Clifton Moran, and #10 of Mark Knight.
Shane Criswell was giving all his car had but there was no way he would catch Rucker who has seemed since he has a new girlfriend has been in a winning attitude. He also seems more focused than I have ever seen in Orr’s face.
Late in the race I was following car #1 and he slowed on the back straight, which made Mark Knight hit the brakes, and that slowed this giant and legend of the racing world down.
When the green was dropped again, Rucker and his car
, blazed away again, leaving Shane Criswell following in hot pursuit.
This night Orr was in a “Rocket ship” and was on a Mission and he would go on to take the Sportsman feature.
The Order of finish was simple
Winning #99 Rucker Orr

2nd place went to #18C of Shane Criswell
And in 3rd place was #B2 of Clifton Moran
Followed by #10 of Mark Knight
Then it was the Crate race
On the pole was #14 Pete Cochran, next to him was #16 young and talented Josh Noles. In row two was drivers like the #32 of Troy Dixon, plus #89 of Carey Smith.
In this fast Crate race, everyone was chasing down, Pete Cochran, but guess what, that is what happened.
The car that did most of the chasing was #16 of Josh Noles, and it was in the back of the pack that we seen some great driving by #89 Carey Smith as he was out dueling #32 Troy Dixon.
Race fans have become familiar with the Orange and Blue #14 of Pete Cochran’s Crate car, and though Tony Kemp was not racing it still made for a real show.
The order of finish in this super fast Crate race was :

Winning #14 Pete Cochran
In 2nd place was #16 Josh Noles
And in 3rd place was #20 (who is he please?)
Many Thanks to All,.
Tino Patti
Things can be said about racing at the Historic old speedway located in Whitesburg, Georgia, but I am here to tell you some things that maybe you don’t believe then again I hope you will.
Racing on this night would take a change in history, sure you had pure hard driving winners, plus you had cars that chased and those that spun.

Meeting Steven you would not imagine how much is behind and in-depth and serious this driver is. You look at Steven and he has this extra glow, he is never down, when most drivers would be coming unglued regarding problems with the car, or just plain upset, Steven stands high above them all. Now this is not a Steven Parker fan club letter, but it is a lets think the way he does for a change.
For the fans that do not know him, look at the Enduro class and try and recall the #55 car, black with white letters. “Can you remember it now?”

Parker was racing at West Georgia Speedway in maybe lets say his 2nd race when he cut a tire down, he went into the pit area, and before they could change his tire the race went green again, so he knew he was out of the money or was he?.
If he had returned to the track in time he would have been in the middle of a 3 or 4 car pile up. “Someone was looking out for Steven”,(referring to the Lord), don’t you think?
After the pile up, believe it or not he finished in 4th place and got a winners purse, how much not even Steven does not know because he never counted it. He was thanking the Lord for keeping him safe. Sure you say, “That’s crazy”, but on Sunday Steven and his wife Tina went to church located in Anniston, Alabama, their church of choice Beth-El Baptist Church, and when it was time for the deacons to take up that Sunday’s offering, Steven, who had never looked in the envelope from racing at West Georgia Speedway placed it in the basket, and gave it to the real man “GOD”.
Saturday Night, Steven was ready; he was all set to race with the other Enduro cars in his feature. Ok, now it gets strange it gets stranger, but those who understand will know what was happening.
Sure his car was skipping, no real problem, and yes Ritchie Taylor was in his pit area, making sure Steven was ready to run.
Let’s get crazier, Steven said he heard the man upstairs (the LORD) say “Don’t Go Out There”. Strange why should he not race in his feature?
It was all because he had the “Weirdest Feeling”, again he said he heard the man upstairs (GOD tell him not to go out and race and he was in a car that had a chance of winning. Nobody understood his reasoning for not racing, not even Richie Taylor, that famous Enduro plus hobby car driver, could understand at that time.
Then it all came out why he was not supposed to race. Car #31 driven by Randy Blair, who Parker was supposed to be right next to, was involved in a tremendous crash that sent his car up the wall and down the front straightaway.
This is where Blair’s car came to a stop on the roof, under the flag stand. People came out of the stands, the flagman Brandon Duke rushed to the drivers rescue, plus emts and the ambulance headed onto the track. I heard the drivers’ wife literally passed out and Steven Parker was there to hold her up, she was all in pieces.
I was filming and every time a wreck of any kind happens my main worry is for the driver, I know their families must be all going crazy, when a member of their family is involved in any wreck. My camera is rolling and I try and make sure I see that the driver of any wreck walks away safe and sound, as did in this wreck Randy Blair did, and when my camera focused it was on him hugging his wife, as she was the one that had come unglued. Randy Blair walked away, and will return some time down the road, I am sure, he will always remember the wild ride he took heading down the front straight of West Georgia Speedway.
In racing it is always true, cars crash, drivers are tossed and turned and tumbled and bounced around. Some drivers never return do to the pressure a family puts on them, then again, some get right back in to their cars and return to racing, no questions asked.
So if you really want to talk about Steven Parker, this has been a “Pure Testimony” from one class driver.
He even requested that the PRAYER be returned before the start of every race, he asked Sammy Duke regarding it, and Sammy said he would have a prayer next Saturday night prior to the race.
He left the speedway, knowing he did not win in the race, but he knew he was a true winner, in his heart because GOD had been with him, and told him NOT to race that night.
Richie Taylor looked up, after the wreck of Blair’s car and pointed upwards. Now I am not saying that Steven hears GOD speak to him and only him, it’s just that like you and I have had times when we knew something was going to happen, no matter how small. We knew something bad was about to happen. So please don’t think you are myself can’t hear GOD speak to us, because he can. If you remember in the Bible got spoke through the use of a “Jackass”.
If he can use a Jackass he can sure speak to me, by any means.
So don’t get any ideas that Steven Parker has gone off the deep end because he is just as sane as you or I am.
Everyone has bad nights, but you work through them, my troubles were microphone problems, but I am not worrying I will pray about my problem and give it to the LORD and next weekend should be better for everyone including Steven who will be back Saturday night for racing action in the Enduro feature.
Now that I have gone off discussing the Enduro race, and Steven Parker, let’s get down to the Modified Mini race.
I know that top driver Richard Bagby was not at the “Burg” so he must be still having race engine problems.
Drivers that were in the Modified Mini race were Todd Brewster, Allen Brewster, and Frank Long plus #20 Ryan Heppner.
The feature was more like a small crash fest with even the Brewster’s getting involved in crashing only Todd would have to drop out of the race. When the green dropped again, Allen Brewster had the lead, and seemed to be cruising, when all of a sudden Frank Long and Ryan Heppner put a squeeze play on Brewster’s car, and edged him out. So there it was Long, Heppner battling like old times. Then Heppner for some reason his engine took a dive and it was all Frank Long again, I mean he was in front and no one was catching him.
What was worse, Ryan Heppner had to pull his car into the pit area as his engine took a clear nose dive.
That left it clear racing for non other than Frank Long. He was in front and no one was catching him, which really meant for some boring racing action, but I am sure Frank Long would see it differently. The race came to a end with Frank Long winning and coming in a distant second was #3 of Allen Brewster.
The Enduro feature was up for grabs, and when I say that I mean it. Let’s see #91 of Lee Owensby was again back in his own car, but something was missing, like that hard charger “Winford Minnix” who if he was in the race was really not showing his car, which is purple and you can see it everywhere, expect I must have been blind. He could have been there I will check the video footage again later. Starting on the Pole was #47, do you have any idea who he was?
Next to him on the starting pole was #12 one of the cars that I believe the driver never worries about the body of his car, because his car is been is some wrecks and I can’t even tell what his number is without looking at the starting grid.
Starting in the back was #91 Lee Owensby, and I had been keeping a eye on the “Lee Lee’s” car as he is known, he was battling car #86 were having their own battles running in the middle of the pack.
BUT missing was #55 of Steven Parker, and we already let you know why he did not start at the top of my story.

The winning driver was car #47
Coming in 2nd place was #12
And in 3rd place was #91 of Lee Owensby.
Driving not making the show, were Lee McElwanyne, as well as Joe Hillman.
Starting on the pole was #07, next to him was car #77, and running in the 2nd row, was the new improved race car of Jeff Carter in his sharp new #3 with a brand new body style, one that fits the man, and one that should make him a winner soon at West Georgia Speedway. Then there was the old standby, #01 of Blant Duke, who had his car running like he always does.
When the race went green, #07, had the lead, and #77 was giving a great chase, but his #77 car would blow his engine and that would end his night.
That would leave the track wide open for Blant Duke to run like he always does, fast and loose. He had no one to try and catch him. The only car that looked like he had a chance was #3 of Jeff Carter, but his night would end fast for Carter as he had a gear break. So instead of finishing in 3rd place Carter would be out early.
Coming out of turn 4 was a slower cars, that was seemingly a

The order of finish was simple,
Winning was the #01 of Blant Duke
In 2nd place was #

And in 3rd place was #24 James Farmer
The order of racing was changed for some strange reason, instead of having the Crate feature, we had the Sportsman run, and Sammy Duke was changing the racing order.
So it was time for the SPORTSMEN Feature race
So starting on the pole was #99 of Rucker Orr and next to him was the always super fast #18C of Shane Criswell. Also in the race were exciting drivers like #B2 of Clifton Moran, plus as a added factor was Mark Knight driving #10 of Anthony Hills back up Sportsman car. Then there was young and talented driver #28D of Darrel Frick, who has been learning to drive his new sportsman car, with a engine that is a “Beast”.
Now all Frick needs to do is really learn to hit his marks and learn to drive his new fast car.
The race started like everyone expected with Rucker Orr blowing away everyone in the field. Even Shane Criswell in his #18C was only able to give chase to Orr.
The real battle was between #B2 of Clifton Moran, and #10 of Mark Knight.
Shane Criswell was giving all his car had but there was no way he would catch Rucker who has seemed since he has a new girlfriend has been in a winning attitude. He also seems more focused than I have ever seen in Orr’s face.
Late in the race I was following car #1 and he slowed on the back straight, which made Mark Knight hit the brakes, and that slowed this giant and legend of the racing world down.
When the green was dropped again, Rucker and his car

This night Orr was in a “Rocket ship” and was on a Mission and he would go on to take the Sportsman feature.
The Order of finish was simple
Winning #99 Rucker Orr

2nd place went to #18C of Shane Criswell
And in 3rd place was #B2 of Clifton Moran
Followed by #10 of Mark Knight
Then it was the Crate race
On the pole was #14 Pete Cochran, next to him was #16 young and talented Josh Noles. In row two was drivers like the #32 of Troy Dixon, plus #89 of Carey Smith.
In this fast Crate race, everyone was chasing down, Pete Cochran, but guess what, that is what happened.
The car that did most of the chasing was #16 of Josh Noles, and it was in the back of the pack that we seen some great driving by #89 Carey Smith as he was out dueling #32 Troy Dixon.
Race fans have become familiar with the Orange and Blue #14 of Pete Cochran’s Crate car, and though Tony Kemp was not racing it still made for a real show.
The order of finish in this super fast Crate race was :

Winning #14 Pete Cochran
In 2nd place was #16 Josh Noles
And in 3rd place was #20 (who is he please?)
Many Thanks to All,.

Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
Check out my other blogs at:
1 comment:
I was driving the 31 oar Saturday night my name is randy south not Blair i am doing good hope to be back soon just want you to know i said a prayer before i went out on the track ask god to be with me keep me safe he did i want to thank him again for all the things he does for me every day of my life he has always been there when i need him just call on him and he will answer
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