Mr.Sammy Duke and his faithful tractor

Welcome ALL race fans

Full Size Championship race 2009 part 2
After the Sportsman race was over, everyone was ready for the 2nd 2009 Full size Championship race which featured cars we never hear from except one and that is of course winning driver #16 Kevin Horton in his famous “Black Beauty”. Now you have to remember this was a 30 lap race and long it was, but finishing 2nd would be #99 Mike Ray and in 3rd place would be #55 Randy Johnson. Think about it, Randy Johnson the hobby car champion who has been out of racing for awhile had his son, behind the wheel, so you can say the Johnson’s come from a true racing family.

I hope to see veteran drivers like Rucker Orr and Glenn McWaters back again Saturday night at the Burg, and I sure hope Jason Williams is there because we should see some real racing action, even Ryan Law could make a statement if his car is ready to race the “Big Guns”.
In the Crate race I look forward to watching young Carey Smith, take his car to a new place, I mean, Smith showed signs of winning, and we need to let every one watch him, He is a youngster on the move, and this young man is showing some great talent. Now will he beat #14 Pete Cochran, come on lets get real, can he? Will he? Could he? I really see no one driver come in and beat Cochran, who is on his game, one driver that I really hope returns to his crate racing form is #16 Tony Kemp.
Ok next week is another Championship, who and what class I will let you by Hump Day?
Tino Patti
A World Wide Blog Following
Check my other Blogs at:
Thanks for reading and continue to express your opinion please, thanks, Tino

Welcome ALL race fans
“Thunder at the Burg”
Tonight was a night with out some big guns in the Sportsman feature, like #99 Rucker Orr or #G1 of Glenn McWaters, but you know that really made for some great Sportsman racing, as it gave us a chance to see who else could win. We know how powerful Orr is and how smooth McWaters is, but what about some of these untested drivers. The night was set and we had drivers like #18C of Shane Criswell, #11 of Ryan Law, #73 of Jason Williams with a few more cars and we were going racing.
Some of you may not remember Jason Williams and his blazing #73 that blew Orr and McWaters away in a Saturday Night feature on July 4th, 2009, he was disqualified, but that only made Jason a better racer and he has taken his car to a new level of racing. It was sad that Orr or McWaters could not have been racing because I was hoping to see what Williams had for them, I am sure they would have really had their hands full.
Maybe next Saturday Night West Georgia Speedway should have some real Sportsman action if Orr and McWaters return and of course we see Jason Williams in his signature #73 on the track. I am sure we will see racing at its best.
Saturday Nights Sportsman feature was won by #11 Ryan Law, and if you remember back, we had a night at the Burg where the fog rolled onto the race track, and drivers could not see, all except the car that was leading and that was young and talented Ryan Law from Piedmont Alabama. On that Foggy night, believe it or not Orr or McWaters were not racing, so what is the deal, does Law only win when the big guns are not running?
What ever the case is, Law put on a show for the fans, which were hungry to see a real show. I mean there is so much of fan seeing G1 Glenn McWaters win every Saturday night.
I guess that goes the same in regards to #99 Rucker Orr, who is a proven winner on any given night. Missing the Sportsman race were #25 Scott Duffey who has had a really hot car, and looks like his time is coming closer. His good friend “High flying” Michael Mills in his blue #8 Sportsman car, and he drove his wheels off, but that would still not get him a win. Mills has been winless at West Georgia Speedway. All you can say is his time will arrive and he will be one happy man.
Young Darrel Frick had motor problems and did not make the race, his car broke and before the races started I watched from high in the tower as he loaded his car back into the tailor and pulled out, and I am sure this young man was crushed. Frick drives the 28D Sportsman car, and he has proven that he can win.
Modified Mini Feature
All in all, racing at the “Burg” was exciting in every class, from those Modified Mini cars, who had a new driver in this class and that was long time winner in the pure mini features, was Dan Bennett driving his #32 car.
The race was won by long time champion, #07 Frank Long followed by Dan Bennett and coming in 3rd was #8 C.J.Wayward.
Enduro Feature
The Enduro feature was one that had its fill of wrecks, including a pile up on the front straight that collected #55 Steven Parker, also involved were drivers #86 George Purgasion, this wreck would take out Parker and he would no longer be able to compete.
Charging to the front was, #12 Gary Brand, with his car that is so beat up it is hard to see his number on the driver’s side door. Chasing him hard was #M4 of Winford Minnix who is a legend in the Enduro class.
Coming in 3rd place was #46 Arlie Garrett who drove a hard race, and was rewarded with a 3rd place finish at the end of his feature.
Tonight was a night with out some big guns in the Sportsman feature, like #99 Rucker Orr or #G1 of Glenn McWaters, but you know that really made for some great Sportsman racing, as it gave us a chance to see who else could win. We know how powerful Orr is and how smooth McWaters is, but what about some of these untested drivers. The night was set and we had drivers like #18C of Shane Criswell, #11 of Ryan Law, #73 of Jason Williams with a few more cars and we were going racing.
Some of you may not remember Jason Williams and his blazing #73 that blew Orr and McWaters away in a Saturday Night feature on July 4th, 2009, he was disqualified, but that only made Jason a better racer and he has taken his car to a new level of racing. It was sad that Orr or McWaters could not have been racing because I was hoping to see what Williams had for them, I am sure they would have really had their hands full.
Maybe next Saturday Night West Georgia Speedway should have some real Sportsman action if Orr and McWaters return and of course we see Jason Williams in his signature #73 on the track. I am sure we will see racing at its best.
Saturday Nights Sportsman feature was won by #11 Ryan Law, and if you remember back, we had a night at the Burg where the fog rolled onto the race track, and drivers could not see, all except the car that was leading and that was young and talented Ryan Law from Piedmont Alabama. On that Foggy night, believe it or not Orr or McWaters were not racing, so what is the deal, does Law only win when the big guns are not running?
What ever the case is, Law put on a show for the fans, which were hungry to see a real show. I mean there is so much of fan seeing G1 Glenn McWaters win every Saturday night.
I guess that goes the same in regards to #99 Rucker Orr, who is a proven winner on any given night. Missing the Sportsman race were #25 Scott Duffey who has had a really hot car, and looks like his time is coming closer. His good friend “High flying” Michael Mills in his blue #8 Sportsman car, and he drove his wheels off, but that would still not get him a win. Mills has been winless at West Georgia Speedway. All you can say is his time will arrive and he will be one happy man.
Young Darrel Frick had motor problems and did not make the race, his car broke and before the races started I watched from high in the tower as he loaded his car back into the tailor and pulled out, and I am sure this young man was crushed. Frick drives the 28D Sportsman car, and he has proven that he can win.
Modified Mini Feature
All in all, racing at the “Burg” was exciting in every class, from those Modified Mini cars, who had a new driver in this class and that was long time winner in the pure mini features, was Dan Bennett driving his #32 car.
The race was won by long time champion, #07 Frank Long followed by Dan Bennett and coming in 3rd was #8 C.J.Wayward.
Enduro Feature
The Enduro feature was one that had its fill of wrecks, including a pile up on the front straight that collected #55 Steven Parker, also involved were drivers #86 George Purgasion, this wreck would take out Parker and he would no longer be able to compete.
Charging to the front was, #12 Gary Brand, with his car that is so beat up it is hard to see his number on the driver’s side door. Chasing him hard was #M4 of Winford Minnix who is a legend in the Enduro class.
Coming in 3rd place was #46 Arlie Garrett who drove a hard race, and was rewarded with a 3rd place finish at the end of his feature.
Lets get the results:

Winning #12 Gary Brand
2nd place #M4 Winford Minnix
3rd place #46 Arlie Garrett
Hobby Car Feature
When the Hobby car feature was ready, I knew we would be seeing some intense racing, but I never dreamed what a race it would turn out to be.
If you like action, this was your race, close action and full of beating and banging. Not making the show again was Jeff Carter in his new ca
r, seems like he has more work to do, and you know this can really be maddening for the Big Man.
This was the show, William Blair drove his #22 to a hard fought win and it was a close race. Blair and Blant Duke traded parts from their cars, beating and banging away. I know one thing, Blant drove his heart out, but Blair was too much and had just a little more engine than Duke.
Making the show was long missed friend, #95 Todd Scarbourgh, driving his famous “Lighting McQueen” Car. It was great seeing Todd back at the old track racing his tires off.
Blair and Duke put on a battle, that would end up leaving Blants car a mess, it was so bad he had to pull off the track, and if you have Blant pulling off the track you know you have been in a race. I believe it was all the beating and banging Blant was doing trying to get around William Blair, he was focused and someone had to move, but Blair was not prepared to. Later in the race, Blair did Blant some running room, but that was too late, and Duke would be forced into the pits. So William Blair would take a long time coming win, and also showing that Blant can be beat.
While all this was going on, Todd Scarbourgh, was riding around back in 3rd place watching Blair and Duke Bang on each other, he was probably hoping that Blair and Duke would take themselves out and he would grab a easy win, but that was wishful thinking.
When the dust had settled, it was William Blair taking a hard fought win, coming in 2nd was long time veteran driver, Todd Scarborough, and even though he was not on the track Blant Duke took 3rd place, something very rare for this young racer.
Lets go to the result board:
When the Hobby car feature was ready, I knew we would be seeing some intense racing, but I never dreamed what a race it would turn out to be.
If you like action, this was your race, close action and full of beating and banging. Not making the show again was Jeff Carter in his new ca

This was the show, William Blair drove his #22 to a hard fought win and it was a close race. Blair and Blant Duke traded parts from their cars, beating and banging away. I know one thing, Blant drove his heart out, but Blair was too much and had just a little more engine than Duke.
Making the show was long missed friend, #95 Todd Scarbourgh, driving his famous “Lighting McQueen” Car. It was great seeing Todd back at the old track racing his tires off.
Blair and Duke put on a battle, that would end up leaving Blants car a mess, it was so bad he had to pull off the track, and if you have Blant pulling off the track you know you have been in a race. I believe it was all the beating and banging Blant was doing trying to get around William Blair, he was focused and someone had to move, but Blair was not prepared to. Later in the race, Blair did Blant some running room, but that was too late, and Duke would be forced into the pits. So William Blair would take a long time coming win, and also showing that Blant can be beat.
While all this was going on, Todd Scarbourgh, was riding around back in 3rd place watching Blair and Duke Bang on each other, he was probably hoping that Blair and Duke would take themselves out and he would grab a easy win, but that was wishful thinking.
When the dust had settled, it was William Blair taking a hard fought win, coming in 2nd was long time veteran driver, Todd Scarborough, and even though he was not on the track Blant Duke took 3rd place, something very rare for this young racer.
Lets go to the result board:

Winning #22 William Blair
2nd #95 Todd Scarbourgh
3rd #01 Blant Duke
Crate Car Feature
Ok lets get those fast Crate cars on the track, and sure enough out came #14 Pete Cochran, with his signature orange and blue rocket, again he would be the driver to chase, but in this race was drivers that could beat him
, like #16 Tony Kemp, #19 Jeremy Hall, #89 Carey Smith, and running in crate #13 long time Sportsman driver, Roger Cassell. Cassell, dropped down to the Crate class thinking he could out drive and out motor Cochran, sorry R
oger that will not work. But all in all Roger drove a super race and would go on to finish behind #14 Pete Cochran. #16 Tony Kemp a real fan favorite came in 3rd place, but there were some real battles on the track, and a driver that really showed he was starting to make a statement was young and talented #89
Carey Smith who was driving better than I have ever seen him race, he was moving toward the front but he would later spin something Carey is good at doing more so at West Georgia Speedway. One thing for sure is Carey can drive, and you know his car has the muscle but he needs to use it at the right time. One driver that got the hook and had to be pulled from the track by Sammy Duke was #24 of Ricky Payton. Payton is still looking for a win at West Georgia Speedway.

Carey Smith who was driving better than I have ever seen him race, he was moving toward the front but he would later spin something Carey is good at doing more so at West Georgia Speedway. One thing for sure is Carey can drive, and you know his car has the muscle but he needs to use it at the right time. One driver that got the hook and had to be pulled from the track by Sammy Duke was #24 of Ricky Payton. Payton is still looking for a win at West Georgia Speedway.
Lets get the results:

Winning and still unbeaten #14 Pete Cochran
2nd place #13 Roger Cassell
3rd place #16 Tony Kemp
Sportsman Feature
Then the fans had their chance to see the Sportsman cars race, this night without Rucker Orr, or Glenn McWaters, so you knew we were about to see some hard fought racing. In the lineup was #11 Ryan Law from Pi
edmont Alabama and next to him was #18C of Shane Criswell. Sounds great right, well lets add in #8 of “High Flying” Michael Mill, who would make the show after a long time absence, then we had the man that I believe could still the show and will give Orr or McWaters a hard time, he is young #73 of Jason Williams, a driver with plenty of raw talent.
The race went 25 laps and it was pure excitement, but no one could catch Ryan Law who was putting on a driver’s clinic. “Hey I thought to myself. It is not a fog bowl” and he is winning, so Law proved he was ready to compete against the best.
Jason Williams, in his car #73 was on the move, and when Orr and McWaters come back to the Burg we should see some real racing action. Also in the race and would always give it his all was #18C Shane Criswell, he is a dynamite driver, but this would not be Shane’s night

The race went 25 laps and it was pure excitement, but no one could catch Ryan Law who was putting on a driver’s clinic. “Hey I thought to myself. It is not a fog bowl” and he is winning, so Law proved he was ready to compete against the best.
Jason Williams, in his car #73 was on the move, and when Orr and McWaters come back to the Burg we should see some real racing action. Also in the race and would always give it his all was #18C Shane Criswell, he is a dynamite driver, but this would not be Shane’s night
Winning #11 Ryan Law
He ruled the Track on this night
2nd place #73 Jason Williams
3rd place #18C Shane Criswell
Full Size Championship race 2009 part 2
After the Sportsman race was over, everyone was ready for the 2nd 2009 Full size Championship race which featured cars we never hear from except one and that is of course winning driver #16 Kevin Horton in his famous “Black Beauty”. Now you have to remember this was a 30 lap race and long it was, but finishing 2nd would be #99 Mike Ray and in 3rd place would be #55 Randy Johnson. Think about it, Randy Johnson the hobby car champion who has been out of racing for awhile had his son, behind the wheel, so you can say the Johnson’s come from a true racing family.
The results of the 30 lap feature

Winning #16 Kevin Horton
2nd #99 Mike Ray
3rd place #55 Randy Johnson Jr.
I hope to see veteran drivers like Rucker Orr and Glenn McWaters back again Saturday night at the Burg, and I sure hope Jason Williams is there because we should see some real racing action, even Ryan Law could make a statement if his car is ready to race the “Big Guns”.
In the Crate race I look forward to watching young Carey Smith, take his car to a new place, I mean, Smith showed signs of winning, and we need to let every one watch him, He is a youngster on the move, and this young man is showing some great talent. Now will he beat #14 Pete Cochran, come on lets get real, can he? Will he? Could he? I really see no one driver come in and beat Cochran, who is on his game, one driver that I really hope returns to his crate racing form is #16 Tony Kemp.
Ok next week is another Championship, who and what class I will let you by Hump Day?
Tino Patti
A World Wide Blog Following
Check my other Blogs at:
Thanks for reading and continue to express your opinion please, thanks, Tino
1 comment:
#89 carey smith will not be there for two weeks because that coward #32 troy dixon hit carey car three times after the race was over and carey returned the favor .so carey is suppended for two weeks and didnt start nothing. i hope sammy likes losing money beacause we are going to talladega short track and carey takes about 25 fans and crew members and the parts truck too
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