“Saturday Night, Thunder, from the “Burg”, Pure Mini Style”

August 8, 2009 Pure Mini hampionship Night
There was a “Blood Red” Moon, high over the “Burg”, and that took on an eerie site. But that had no effect on the drivers who race at West Georgia Speedway, the toughest track in the South.
The track has its own reputation and you have to be good to win here.
The racing was “Thunderous” Saturday night, at West Georgia Speedway, where the action heated up from the beginning race to the famous Sportsman feature, and Crates.
It was with sadness that I could not look down and see the #6 of modified min
i driver, Richard Bagby, who has been a mainstay in racing for years. Richard works hard all week at his business Neighborhood Automotive Center, in downtown Lithia Springs, Georgia Then he has a outstanding family, so you can say Richard is not only a talent on the track he is also blessed.
It was a while back and I mean a while back that I seen Richard climb behind the wheel of his #6 Mustang, and ride around West Georgia Speedway like he owned the track. I mean he is a racer down at heart. Here lastly he has had severe engine
problems, and when someone with his talent is not racing, you kind of wonder are his days limited? I even thought he was giving up the sport that has been so good to him. I hope not, because when he “IS” racing he is a legend behind the wheel of any car.
I was lucky to catch up with Richard’s long time wife of years, and she has seen the best and the worst in Richard, and she informed me that he wanted to give up the sport, but she would not let him, so as soon as he can get a new engine in that Mustang, he will be back, and he will drive like the pro he is. All I can say is “Hurry back Richard”.
Another driver missing from Saturday nights, Modified Mini race was that of long time winner #07 of Frank Long, who when he is at a track everyone knows he is there, Frank has always been a quiet type of driver, but he can an will drive his car around you and never be afraid. He is also a born winner, and losing does not enter his mind. I have seen Frank Long race at not only in the later years at West Georgia Speedway, but he raced with the best of the drivers at the now closed Seven Flags Speedway which was located in Douglasville, Georgia. There are so many drivers that raced there and said they would do anything to have that great speedway back and running.
Two other cars, did not make the show for some reason, and that was young and talented #20 of Ryan Heppner, plus that of #16 Huie Stewart. I still have no idea why Stewart was not in the race, I wonder if he is still having car problem?
Not seeing, Richard, Frank, Huie and no Ryan can make for a small modified mini race, but all in all it was a wild one, that had #T3 Todd Brewster take his own car out of the race because he was doing some extra beating and banging on car #9 which would become the winner of the nights modified Mini race.
Sometimes it pays to beat and bang and sometime you shoot yourself in the rear end.
The Enduro Feature was going to be a real barn burner, with top drivers like #M4 of Winford Minnix, plus #91 Lee Owensby and through in #55 of young Steven Parker, but anytime these cars race you are going to see a wild race, and I mean wild.
Cars that you expect to win don’t and cars with drivers that battle through the wrecks come out like roses, as is the case of Steven Parker, who was spinning and got twisted, and then he straightened his car back up and began the hunt for the leader again. When I mentioned twisted well that is ironic because the name of his racing team is “Team Twisted”. I always amaze my self while filming if I see a fan cheering while the race is going on I pan my camera to that person, to gi
ve you a feeling of being there. In this case I shot Tina Parker, waving a white flag, around and around and cheering for her husband. Steven. She was in her own world and her eyes were watching Steven make his way around this 3/8th oval historic dirt track in Whitesburg, Georgia.
About half way through the race, Winford Minnix who had been the car to beat, slowed and went to the top of the backstretch, his car had overheated and he was in no mood for having a engine blow, so he did what all class drivers do, pull in before he would be sorry. Once Winford was in, that left Parker chasing down #20, who had maybe just a little more engine than maybe he was allowed, but that is not what happened that is only this writers opinion, NOT the tracks.
The finish of the race was simple
Winning was car #20
Coming in 2nd was #55 of Steven Parker
And in 3rd place was #86 George Purgason
The Pure Mini Championship part 2 2009
This was the long (too long) 30 lap feature championship race and the drivers came from every where, a driver that was leading and really had a chance of winning was #j17 of Joey Spencer who was putting on a show for a few laps and I thought he would win easy, but that is what happens when you think one car will race and win without a challenge, you are Wrong.
So again, after several wrecks and some that were just plain crazy we had some real leaders in this race.
One car I was watching hard was #21 driven by Ricky Brady Sr., now here is a real trip of a driver, who once owned and operated Georgia Explosives in Douglasville, now he has his own towing company and that is something we all need.. Ricky has been racing in this class for years and is getting better and better. This race would come down to 4 cars and they would go back and forth, and that is all that really happened, when it was all over car #16 Tim Collier was the winner.

Finishing in 2nd was #34 Russell Bright
In 3rd place was #D7 Brandon Bright
Another Pure Mini Championship was over and another Pure Mini driver was crowned, Champion of 2009 at West Georgia Speedway.
Congratulations to #16 Tim Collier
The Hobby race would now come up, without car #3 of Jeff Carter, who was off at Dixie Speedway (NOT RACING) just enjoying himself as well as family.
The race featured, #01 Blant Duke, #47 Jason Causey, and someone was driving car #03 and I have know idea who he was but I am sure I will learn later, if you know let me know, send me a comment.
The race featured some hard intense driving, and again Blant Duke made some smooth moves around cars, making driving at the Burg look so simple. He is with out a doubt, a real driver and this is his class at this time, he seems to own the hobby race here. Sure he is good at West Georgia Speedway, but when he races at other tracks he gets slammed. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is a bad thing. One thing for sure Blant can be beaten just like every driver that races in Whitesburg. He is also fiery and some say overrated.
All I can say is if you race at the “Burg” and beat Blant Duke you are the Champion, I don’t care who you are. So when you bring your car to West Georgia Speedway lookout for car #01, that’s young Blant Duke.
Maybe next weekend we should see Jeff Carter again racing like he did in the old days. Winning is something that has been not coming easy for Jeff, but you have to remember he has a new car and a new look. Does he have the power that Duke has? Who knows?
Maybe one day we will all see what happens when Duke runs with Carter and what happens when Roscoe Collins returns.
One thing for sure is racing at the “Burg” becomes exciting when you have class drivers on the track, like Blant Duke, Jeff Carter, Roscoe Collins, Joe Hillman (who we have been missing) , and Lee McElwanyne. Every one of these drivers are top notch drivers and always ready to win. One driver I am leaving out is one that won the Hobby Championship earlier in the year, and that is Rusty Johnson who has a hurt back and all our prayers are going out to Rusty and his entire family. We all want to see #29 back and racing at the Burg.
When the Hobby feature ended it was again,
#01 Blant Duke winning
In 2nd place #47Jason Causey
And in 3rd place was car #07 Derrick Head
Sportsman Feature

This was your race, and it proved to be one of the closes fought battles in a long time of Sportsman races, between Glenn McWaters and Rucker Orr. Each driver would not give a inch, but someone had to take a lead and near the end of the race, something happened to Rucker’s car and he went high and Glenn McWaters drove his famous G1 under him and that was all the room Glenn needed. It was all over, but for the fans they paid good money to see a shoot out, and that was just what they got.
Then it was madness, as Sammy changed the running order, letting the Sportsman run, instead of the Crate cars.
It did not matter because again you have some of the best Sportsman drivers in the south.
Drivers like Rucker Orr in is famous #99, plus racing legend #G1 of Glenn McWaters, plus #24 of Ricky Payton, and from Piedmont Alabama, #11 Ryan Law, these were among the cream of the sportsman racing crop. Also involved in the feature was young #28D of Darrell Frick before he was forced to pull in due to engine problems.
The race was one when the green flag dropped, and Orr blew out front, but he was battling harder than we have ever seen him pedal his car, but he had to because legendary driver Glenn McWaters was hanging tight on Orr’ bumper.
The feature was a back and forth battle that looked at times like Orr was going to run away again from Glenn, but this was a “HOT” Georgia night, and it was taking a toil on race cars. Heading into the backstretch, it was over for Orr as he pulled his car to the top and was pasted by McWaters and that was all that Glenn needed once he was past Rucker he was gone, and all Orr could do was limp his broken car around to finish in 2nd place something Rucker never wants to do. But some nights belong to you and everything goes right, and some nights your car gives away. What ever the case was Glenn McWaters went on to win the feature with Orr in 2nd and Ricky Payton came in 3rd place. It was a strange sportsman car feature. Then again strange things always happen at West Georgia Speedway.
Order of Finish
#G1 Glenn McWaters
#99 Rucker Orr (in a rare 2nd place finish)
#24 Ricky Payton
Finally the Crate feature was ready, and the top cars were lined up in order #14 with a world class driver Pete Cochran, and along side him, was #16 Tony Kemp
Also in the race were #16 Tony Kemp and #89 Carey Smith, plus #19 Jeremy Hall.
When the race went green, we had the battle that we all waited for Tony Kemp and Pete Cochran, and you know, it was on, but not for long, as once Cochran had the lead his car was off like a rocket ship, it really seems like Pete can do no wrong, he hits his marks and lets the car do the rest, tell me if he is not a great driver or not? I am not saying Tony Kemp is not a fantastic driver because when Tony is on, his car is unbeatable, and he just needs to get that next win to put him back to his winning frame of mind.
In this race, Tony Kemp also tangled again with Carey Smith, but both cars stayed on the track and no real damage except maybe some body damage, but that did not stop them from racing.
All we can say is the orange and blue #14 Pete Cochran winning another crate car race, now I ask you is there anyone that can stop Pete from winning, if you can please head to West Georgia
The Order of Finish for the Crate Car feature was easy:

Winning again #14 (unbeatable) Pete Cochran
2nd place was #16 Tony Kemp
3rd place was #88
If you plan on coming to West Georgia Speedway please come on and bring a car you think can and may beat Pete Cochran, if you don’t have the car, stay home.
So if you want to see some really racing action we hope to see you next Saturday Night at West Georgia Speedway and the next week championship a 30 lap race, featuring those Street Stocks.
Also be ready for to get some good food, and enjoy the concession stands, and thank long time promoter and owner Sammy Duke if you get the chance.
With all that said, I hope you remember that all the racing action can b
e purchased on DVD and I will be more than happy to have one ready for you, remember the best drivers buy a copy just to make sure they see what they are doing wrong and how to fix their problems on the track. Also, when racing season is over, guess what you can always pop in a DVD and watch some exciting racing during those long winters lay off months.
Just ask for Tino or call me at 770-361-3019 see you Saturday Night.
Many Thanks to All
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
There was a “Blood Red” Moon, high over the “Burg”, and that took on an eerie site. But that had no effect on the drivers who race at West Georgia Speedway, the toughest track in the South.
The track has its own reputation and you have to be good to win here.
The racing was “Thunderous” Saturday night, at West Georgia Speedway, where the action heated up from the beginning race to the famous Sportsman feature, and Crates.
It was with sadness that I could not look down and see the #6 of modified min

It was a while back and I mean a while back that I seen Richard climb behind the wheel of his #6 Mustang, and ride around West Georgia Speedway like he owned the track. I mean he is a racer down at heart. Here lastly he has had severe engine

I was lucky to catch up with Richard’s long time wife of years, and she has seen the best and the worst in Richard, and she informed me that he wanted to give up the sport, but she would not let him, so as soon as he can get a new engine in that Mustang, he will be back, and he will drive like the pro he is. All I can say is “Hurry back Richard”.
Another driver missing from Saturday nights, Modified Mini race was that of long time winner #07 of Frank Long, who when he is at a track everyone knows he is there, Frank has always been a quiet type of driver, but he can an will drive his car around you and never be afraid. He is also a born winner, and losing does not enter his mind. I have seen Frank Long race at not only in the later years at West Georgia Speedway, but he raced with the best of the drivers at the now closed Seven Flags Speedway which was located in Douglasville, Georgia. There are so many drivers that raced there and said they would do anything to have that great speedway back and running.
Two other cars, did not make the show for some reason, and that was young and talented #20 of Ryan Heppner, plus that of #16 Huie Stewart. I still have no idea why Stewart was not in the race, I wonder if he is still having car problem?
Not seeing, Richard, Frank, Huie and no Ryan can make for a small modified mini race, but all in all it was a wild one, that had #T3 Todd Brewster take his own car out of the race because he was doing some extra beating and banging on car #9 which would become the winner of the nights modified Mini race.
Sometimes it pays to beat and bang and sometime you shoot yourself in the rear end.
The Enduro Feature was going to be a real barn burner, with top drivers like #M4 of Winford Minnix, plus #91 Lee Owensby and through in #55 of young Steven Parker, but anytime these cars race you are going to see a wild race, and I mean wild.

Cars that you expect to win don’t and cars with drivers that battle through the wrecks come out like roses, as is the case of Steven Parker, who was spinning and got twisted, and then he straightened his car back up and began the hunt for the leader again. When I mentioned twisted well that is ironic because the name of his racing team is “Team Twisted”. I always amaze my self while filming if I see a fan cheering while the race is going on I pan my camera to that person, to gi

About half way through the race, Winford Minnix who had been the car to beat, slowed and went to the top of the backstretch, his car had overheated and he was in no mood for having a engine blow, so he did what all class drivers do, pull in before he would be sorry. Once Winford was in, that left Parker chasing down #20, who had maybe just a little more engine than maybe he was allowed, but that is not what happened that is only this writers opinion, NOT the tracks.

The finish of the race was simple
Winning was car #20
Coming in 2nd was #55 of Steven Parker
And in 3rd place was #86 George Purgason
The Pure Mini Championship part 2 2009
This was the long (too long) 30 lap feature championship race and the drivers came from every where, a driver that was leading and really had a chance of winning was #j17 of Joey Spencer who was putting on a show for a few laps and I thought he would win easy, but that is what happens when you think one car will race and win without a challenge, you are Wrong.
So again, after several wrecks and some that were just plain crazy we had some real leaders in this race.
One car I was watching hard was #21 driven by Ricky Brady Sr., now here is a real trip of a driver, who once owned and operated Georgia Explosives in Douglasville, now he has his own towing company and that is something we all need.. Ricky has been racing in this class for years and is getting better and better. This race would come down to 4 cars and they would go back and forth, and that is all that really happened, when it was all over car #16 Tim Collier was the winner.

Finishing in 2nd was #34 Russell Bright
In 3rd place was #D7 Brandon Bright
Another Pure Mini Championship was over and another Pure Mini driver was crowned, Champion of 2009 at West Georgia Speedway.
Congratulations to #16 Tim Collier
The Hobby race would now come up, without car #3 of Jeff Carter, who was off at Dixie Speedway (NOT RACING) just enjoying himself as well as family.
The race featured, #01 Blant Duke, #47 Jason Causey, and someone was driving car #03 and I have know idea who he was but I am sure I will learn later, if you know let me know, send me a comment.
The race featured some hard intense driving, and again Blant Duke made some smooth moves around cars, making driving at the Burg look so simple. He is with out a doubt, a real driver and this is his class at this time, he seems to own the hobby race here. Sure he is good at West Georgia Speedway, but when he races at other tracks he gets slammed. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is a bad thing. One thing for sure Blant can be beaten just like every driver that races in Whitesburg. He is also fiery and some say overrated.
All I can say is if you race at the “Burg” and beat Blant Duke you are the Champion, I don’t care who you are. So when you bring your car to West Georgia Speedway lookout for car #01, that’s young Blant Duke.
Maybe next weekend we should see Jeff Carter again racing like he did in the old days. Winning is something that has been not coming easy for Jeff, but you have to remember he has a new car and a new look. Does he have the power that Duke has? Who knows?
Maybe one day we will all see what happens when Duke runs with Carter and what happens when Roscoe Collins returns.
One thing for sure is racing at the “Burg” becomes exciting when you have class drivers on the track, like Blant Duke, Jeff Carter, Roscoe Collins, Joe Hillman (who we have been missing) , and Lee McElwanyne. Every one of these drivers are top notch drivers and always ready to win. One driver I am leaving out is one that won the Hobby Championship earlier in the year, and that is Rusty Johnson who has a hurt back and all our prayers are going out to Rusty and his entire family. We all want to see #29 back and racing at the Burg.
When the Hobby feature ended it was again,

#01 Blant Duke winning
In 2nd place #47Jason Causey
And in 3rd place was car #07 Derrick Head
Sportsman Feature

This was your race, and it proved to be one of the closes fought battles in a long time of Sportsman races, between Glenn McWaters and Rucker Orr. Each driver would not give a inch, but someone had to take a lead and near the end of the race, something happened to Rucker’s car and he went high and Glenn McWaters drove his famous G1 under him and that was all the room Glenn needed. It was all over, but for the fans they paid good money to see a shoot out, and that was just what they got.
Then it was madness, as Sammy changed the running order, letting the Sportsman run, instead of the Crate cars.
It did not matter because again you have some of the best Sportsman drivers in the south.
Drivers like Rucker Orr in is famous #99, plus racing legend #G1 of Glenn McWaters, plus #24 of Ricky Payton, and from Piedmont Alabama, #11 Ryan Law, these were among the cream of the sportsman racing crop. Also involved in the feature was young #28D of Darrell Frick before he was forced to pull in due to engine problems.
The race was one when the green flag dropped, and Orr blew out front, but he was battling harder than we have ever seen him pedal his car, but he had to because legendary driver Glenn McWaters was hanging tight on Orr’ bumper.
The feature was a back and forth battle that looked at times like Orr was going to run away again from Glenn, but this was a “HOT” Georgia night, and it was taking a toil on race cars. Heading into the backstretch, it was over for Orr as he pulled his car to the top and was pasted by McWaters and that was all that Glenn needed once he was past Rucker he was gone, and all Orr could do was limp his broken car around to finish in 2nd place something Rucker never wants to do. But some nights belong to you and everything goes right, and some nights your car gives away. What ever the case was Glenn McWaters went on to win the feature with Orr in 2nd and Ricky Payton came in 3rd place. It was a strange sportsman car feature. Then again strange things always happen at West Georgia Speedway.

Order of Finish
#G1 Glenn McWaters
#99 Rucker Orr (in a rare 2nd place finish)
#24 Ricky Payton
Finally the Crate feature was ready, and the top cars were lined up in order #14 with a world class driver Pete Cochran, and along side him, was #16 Tony Kemp
Also in the race were #16 Tony Kemp and #89 Carey Smith, plus #19 Jeremy Hall.
When the race went green, we had the battle that we all waited for Tony Kemp and Pete Cochran, and you know, it was on, but not for long, as once Cochran had the lead his car was off like a rocket ship, it really seems like Pete can do no wrong, he hits his marks and lets the car do the rest, tell me if he is not a great driver or not? I am not saying Tony Kemp is not a fantastic driver because when Tony is on, his car is unbeatable, and he just needs to get that next win to put him back to his winning frame of mind.
In this race, Tony Kemp also tangled again with Carey Smith, but both cars stayed on the track and no real damage except maybe some body damage, but that did not stop them from racing.
All we can say is the orange and blue #14 Pete Cochran winning another crate car race, now I ask you is there anyone that can stop Pete from winning, if you can please head to West Georgia
The Order of Finish for the Crate Car feature was easy:

Winning again #14 (unbeatable) Pete Cochran
2nd place was #16 Tony Kemp
3rd place was #88
If you plan on coming to West Georgia Speedway please come on and bring a car you think can and may beat Pete Cochran, if you don’t have the car, stay home.
So if you want to see some really racing action we hope to see you next Saturday Night at West Georgia Speedway and the next week championship a 30 lap race, featuring those Street Stocks.
Also be ready for to get some good food, and enjoy the concession stands, and thank long time promoter and owner Sammy Duke if you get the chance.
With all that said, I hope you remember that all the racing action can b

Just ask for Tino or call me at 770-361-3019 see you Saturday Night.
Many Thanks to All
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
Check out my other Blogs at:
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