The BOSS Phillip Swafford, running the track like it should be run.
Turn 4 heading to the flagstand!

MY TIME IS WASTING on the Doctors time, waiting and waiting and waiting!
West Georgia Speedway will be having a huge $700 dollar Hobby race this weekend, remember gates open at 2 P.M. and racing starts around 5 p.m or maybe later, we will all have to see.
As for the doctors office I am sitting waiting for my wife’s monthly pain clinic appointment. Nothing is worse than waiting in the waiting room that seems to take forever for her to see a doctor. Strange but her appointment is at 10 a.m. but that makes no difference these folks are as slow as dirt.
What does this happen to have to do with racing NOTHING, I am just trying to kill some time.
As for as West Georgia Speedway goes, racing will continue until Phillip Swafford the new person in charge of management sees fit to call it a racing season. You know and I know where there is a dirt track that has racing on the weekend, drivers will come and try and take advantage of winning the money.
Senoia Raceway has closed down as of Oct.23rd 2010 for the inaugural racing season.
West Georgia on the other hand is continuing to race even with the cooler weather moving in, one thing for sure is if West Georgia Speedway could begin racing sooner say 4 p.m. then fans and drivers would all be happy. The warmer the weather the more folks will pack the stands, and that is what Swafford and his wife want, more fans and more racing action.
Historic West Georgia Speedway is known by this writer and several drivers as “The Burg”, a track that has sat in a hole in Whitesburg Georgia for years, the track is amazing and is known as one of the best tracks to race on, the concession stands and other facilities were falling down, but Phillip Swafford and his family came in and remodeled the old building and now you have a class race track.
Drivers like #21c of Kenny “Quick” Collins have made the trip down to the Burg from Athens Georgia as well as fellow drivers. Kenny a winner in every thing he does proved that he also could win at West Georgia Speedway, one night he beat the famous #G1 of Glenn McWaters and that was some kind of race.
Have you every watched people in doctor’s waiting rooms, man that can get crazy. I mean how many times can one person read a magazine or just lean back in their chairs and pray that their name can be called so they can go back to the office to see a doctor.
Racing and waiting at the doctor’s office are crazy, at least at the speedway I have the chance to go down and talk to the drivers and their families, where as in a doctor’s office you have no one to speak to.
As I was looking around the waiting room, I was thinking how much the people look like broke down cars, cars that were running right now they are in disrepair.
You also have some sad faces on folks, who just want to get out of here, where at the track you have some drivers that just hope and pray their car stays together and the can make it through the race without having it loaded on the back of a hauler to head home all smashed up.
Racing is like appointments they say you have one at 10 a.m. but who cares it could be after 12 noon before my wife sees a doctor.
One thing I have to say is that I have met some of the greatest racing families in my life time, from #M4 of Winford Minnix and his purple people eater to the feared, #41 of a true Southern Gentleman, Mr. Scott Sherrer. Who has won more races at New Senoia Raceway than any driver running in hobby class features, and has raced at West Georgia and won before.
Then you have the ever bubbly Lisa Carter, wife of “Big” Jeff Carter a hobby car legend in his famous #3 car. This big man was dubbed by me early when I seen him come from behind as “The Magic Man” because there was no way he should have one, but when there is a will he can find a way.
I wish when she came out, they would pay her a winning fee for being here, but that won’t happen.
You ever noticed in these newer doctors offices with those nice HD TV’s how they keep it on the news channel, some CNN, some FOX and some have rolling advertisement about crazy drugs you can get from you friendly doctor.
Hay look on that table only a coupon book, maybe some one will get hungry.
The Speedway “The Burg” has been a drivers lucky spot, mostly #99 Rucker Orr who was always in the top of his races, winning and winning till it got sick for the crowd, who began of all things “Booing him” something no driver wants are needs.
Then you had the “American Pie” Legend himself “Racing Jason Williams, who when he brings his #73 to the track he is ready to race, and win.
Jason is a friend of one of the classiest drivers in Sportsman none other than #25 Scott Duffy.
Duffy has been in wrecks and he has won, he is just an all around class driver.
Hey you sure I am not at a race track, just had one patient demand that her prescription was NOT RIGHT, she was storming and fuming just like at the track when you have some one who has played bumper car with you all night long and you are in a mess and mad, also because the payout was wrong. What do some drivers do, fume and protest and say “They will never be back to the track” only to see them the next Saturday night racing. What gives with these people?
It’s now 10:52 still no sign of my wife she is still back in a small room waiting on the doctor, let’s see should I start my meter and start charging him for my time of sitting. I mean when you have a 10 am appointment that should mean 10 a.m. not 11 or 12 p.m.
Man Logan’s Roadhouse sure looks good I can walk to it from here….but I have to wait on the little woman, why do they call some women “Little” when they are not?
Oh gee, my wife called on her cell phone informing me that they were letting her out, gee now we can go to the Pharmacy and pick up the medication she needs to help her. One thing I have to say is why make a 10 a.m. appointment when there is only 1 doctor and you don’t get seen for over 2 hours or more.
Thank also to special friends like Tonya Duke who helped me at Senoia during the later part of the year, on thing for sure Tonya is a dirt track queen, and very special.
Special thanks to you “TONYA”.
Special thanks to HALEY CARTER for taking some of their time to walk DVD’s around and collect the pay for them for me early in the Senoia Raceway season.
Special thanks to Trey, one of the outstanding scorekeepers at West Georgia Speedway, you can’t miss Trey, he is the one the drivers pay their cash to and sign in the pit area.
Special thanks to “Jack Mills, Tim and Tony Moses plus my friend Mark” for all their help and GOD Knows I have needed it.
There are so many folks to thank at Senoia and also West Georgia Speedway that it is so hard to remember their names. YOU KNOW, YOU’RE NAME and I know your face, just remember I said THANK YOU for everything you have done to help me in any way.
Racing at West Georgia Speedway can really make or break a driver, I mean like I said in earlier articles that I have written, if you can when at West Georgia Speedway you could win anywhere. One thing for sure is that the “Burg” can make a driver, or it can make a driver loose his entire mind. You can look at those amazing Pure Mini car drivers, like #16 Stephen Hill, who has been driving and winning for years. Other drivers that come to mind are Norman Chambers in his famous #54, plus other drivers like “Rocky Johnson” in his famous #5, Johnson is a look alike to Dale Earnhardt Jr. but as for winning his luck has not been the best.
Other drivers that make the pure mini class exciting are young and talented #4 Dusty Jones who can put on a show when he has the right car and its working for him.
Pure Mini cars are something else to watch, more so when you have more than 10 cars racing at on time, because these weekend warriors are crazy.
When the races are about over you have to sit back and watch the Enduro class that is more of what we call the Street stock class feature. Drivers like Michael Nelms in his ever winning #4 is always there, then you have a legend in #85 of Pappy Powell who was racing when some of his fellow drovers were not even born yet. He is still as fierce as he always has been on the track and is a crowd pleaser. When you have a few more drivers in this class then you have a race, if not you have a boring 15 lap race with one car that leads all the way and that is not racing.
When the night is over at West Georgia Speedway you have some happy drivers and some that are sad, but no matter you know as a fan and a racing nut that you have seen the best of the best on one of the most historic race tracks in the South.
West Georgia Speedway, “The Burg” a legendary place that has the surface that tells a story all to itself.
If those walls could talk who knows what we would be hearing, one thing for sure we would know more than we might want to know.
If you plan of racing at the Burg Saturday night make sure you have plenty of hot coffee, or coco to drink to keep you warm because you will be needing it on a cold Saturday night.
Remember gates open at 2 pm and racing begins around 4 pm we hope.
So see you at West Georgia Speedway this Saturday night.
Thanks to every one,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG Following!
For DVD’s call me at 770-361-3019
West Georgia Speedway will be having a huge $700 dollar Hobby race this weekend, remember gates open at 2 P.M. and racing starts around 5 p.m or maybe later, we will all have to see.
As for the doctors office I am sitting waiting for my wife’s monthly pain clinic appointment. Nothing is worse than waiting in the waiting room that seems to take forever for her to see a doctor. Strange but her appointment is at 10 a.m. but that makes no difference these folks are as slow as dirt.
What does this happen to have to do with racing NOTHING, I am just trying to kill some time.
As for as West Georgia Speedway goes, racing will continue until Phillip Swafford the new person in charge of management sees fit to call it a racing season. You know and I know where there is a dirt track that has racing on the weekend, drivers will come and try and take advantage of winning the money.
Senoia Raceway has closed down as of Oct.23rd 2010 for the inaugural racing season.
West Georgia on the other hand is continuing to race even with the cooler weather moving in, one thing for sure is if West Georgia Speedway could begin racing sooner say 4 p.m. then fans and drivers would all be happy. The warmer the weather the more folks will pack the stands, and that is what Swafford and his wife want, more fans and more racing action.
Historic West Georgia Speedway is known by this writer and several drivers as “The Burg”, a track that has sat in a hole in Whitesburg Georgia for years, the track is amazing and is known as one of the best tracks to race on, the concession stands and other facilities were falling down, but Phillip Swafford and his family came in and remodeled the old building and now you have a class race track.
Drivers like #21c of Kenny “Quick” Collins have made the trip down to the Burg from Athens Georgia as well as fellow drivers. Kenny a winner in every thing he does proved that he also could win at West Georgia Speedway, one night he beat the famous #G1 of Glenn McWaters and that was some kind of race.
Have you every watched people in doctor’s waiting rooms, man that can get crazy. I mean how many times can one person read a magazine or just lean back in their chairs and pray that their name can be called so they can go back to the office to see a doctor.
Racing and waiting at the doctor’s office are crazy, at least at the speedway I have the chance to go down and talk to the drivers and their families, where as in a doctor’s office you have no one to speak to.
As I was looking around the waiting room, I was thinking how much the people look like broke down cars, cars that were running right now they are in disrepair.
You also have some sad faces on folks, who just want to get out of here, where at the track you have some drivers that just hope and pray their car stays together and the can make it through the race without having it loaded on the back of a hauler to head home all smashed up.
Racing is like appointments they say you have one at 10 a.m. but who cares it could be after 12 noon before my wife sees a doctor.
One thing I have to say is that I have met some of the greatest racing families in my life time, from #M4 of Winford Minnix and his purple people eater to the feared, #41 of a true Southern Gentleman, Mr. Scott Sherrer. Who has won more races at New Senoia Raceway than any driver running in hobby class features, and has raced at West Georgia and won before.
Then you have the ever bubbly Lisa Carter, wife of “Big” Jeff Carter a hobby car legend in his famous #3 car. This big man was dubbed by me early when I seen him come from behind as “The Magic Man” because there was no way he should have one, but when there is a will he can find a way.
I wish when she came out, they would pay her a winning fee for being here, but that won’t happen.
You ever noticed in these newer doctors offices with those nice HD TV’s how they keep it on the news channel, some CNN, some FOX and some have rolling advertisement about crazy drugs you can get from you friendly doctor.
Hay look on that table only a coupon book, maybe some one will get hungry.
The Speedway “The Burg” has been a drivers lucky spot, mostly #99 Rucker Orr who was always in the top of his races, winning and winning till it got sick for the crowd, who began of all things “Booing him” something no driver wants are needs.
Then you had the “American Pie” Legend himself “Racing Jason Williams, who when he brings his #73 to the track he is ready to race, and win.
Jason is a friend of one of the classiest drivers in Sportsman none other than #25 Scott Duffy.
Duffy has been in wrecks and he has won, he is just an all around class driver.
Hey you sure I am not at a race track, just had one patient demand that her prescription was NOT RIGHT, she was storming and fuming just like at the track when you have some one who has played bumper car with you all night long and you are in a mess and mad, also because the payout was wrong. What do some drivers do, fume and protest and say “They will never be back to the track” only to see them the next Saturday night racing. What gives with these people?
It’s now 10:52 still no sign of my wife she is still back in a small room waiting on the doctor, let’s see should I start my meter and start charging him for my time of sitting. I mean when you have a 10 am appointment that should mean 10 a.m. not 11 or 12 p.m.
Man Logan’s Roadhouse sure looks good I can walk to it from here….but I have to wait on the little woman, why do they call some women “Little” when they are not?
Oh gee, my wife called on her cell phone informing me that they were letting her out, gee now we can go to the Pharmacy and pick up the medication she needs to help her. One thing I have to say is why make a 10 a.m. appointment when there is only 1 doctor and you don’t get seen for over 2 hours or more.
Thank also to special friends like Tonya Duke who helped me at Senoia during the later part of the year, on thing for sure Tonya is a dirt track queen, and very special.
Special thanks to you “TONYA”.
Special thanks to HALEY CARTER for taking some of their time to walk DVD’s around and collect the pay for them for me early in the Senoia Raceway season.
Special thanks to Trey, one of the outstanding scorekeepers at West Georgia Speedway, you can’t miss Trey, he is the one the drivers pay their cash to and sign in the pit area.
Special thanks to “Jack Mills, Tim and Tony Moses plus my friend Mark” for all their help and GOD Knows I have needed it.
There are so many folks to thank at Senoia and also West Georgia Speedway that it is so hard to remember their names. YOU KNOW, YOU’RE NAME and I know your face, just remember I said THANK YOU for everything you have done to help me in any way.
Racing at West Georgia Speedway can really make or break a driver, I mean like I said in earlier articles that I have written, if you can when at West Georgia Speedway you could win anywhere. One thing for sure is that the “Burg” can make a driver, or it can make a driver loose his entire mind. You can look at those amazing Pure Mini car drivers, like #16 Stephen Hill, who has been driving and winning for years. Other drivers that come to mind are Norman Chambers in his famous #54, plus other drivers like “Rocky Johnson” in his famous #5, Johnson is a look alike to Dale Earnhardt Jr. but as for winning his luck has not been the best.
Other drivers that make the pure mini class exciting are young and talented #4 Dusty Jones who can put on a show when he has the right car and its working for him.
Pure Mini cars are something else to watch, more so when you have more than 10 cars racing at on time, because these weekend warriors are crazy.
When the races are about over you have to sit back and watch the Enduro class that is more of what we call the Street stock class feature. Drivers like Michael Nelms in his ever winning #4 is always there, then you have a legend in #85 of Pappy Powell who was racing when some of his fellow drovers were not even born yet. He is still as fierce as he always has been on the track and is a crowd pleaser. When you have a few more drivers in this class then you have a race, if not you have a boring 15 lap race with one car that leads all the way and that is not racing.
When the night is over at West Georgia Speedway you have some happy drivers and some that are sad, but no matter you know as a fan and a racing nut that you have seen the best of the best on one of the most historic race tracks in the South.
West Georgia Speedway, “The Burg” a legendary place that has the surface that tells a story all to itself.
If those walls could talk who knows what we would be hearing, one thing for sure we would know more than we might want to know.
If you plan of racing at the Burg Saturday night make sure you have plenty of hot coffee, or coco to drink to keep you warm because you will be needing it on a cold Saturday night.
Remember gates open at 2 pm and racing begins around 4 pm we hope.
So see you at West Georgia Speedway this Saturday night.
Thanks to every one,
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist
With a world wide racing BLOG Following!
For DVD’s call me at 770-361-3019
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