What would you do, if at every race track you had to go through a PAT DOWN? by some TSA folks? Or would you rather have to be x-rayed by walking through a machine?.
There are some that would love the Pat down, but then again don't pat me down if you are a MAN! I don't want you touching my JUNK!

Since there is no need for a race track pat down, why is it that Americans that have spent BIG bucks on airplane trips all across the country have to be forced to have someone maul their bodies, or even x-ray them?.
Most folks are thinking this is a invasion of privacy, now what the heck do you think?
Why does the President not have to be touched every time he goes on board Air Force One?
Why not pat his butt down? You say why pat him down he is the President, who cares, if he is Joe Blow, or Michael Smith or whoever.
If Mr.and Mrs. American has to be screened or patted down, come on lets get the President and his vice President and all the Congress and Senators to have to go through the same as all us under paid Americans have to.
I know most Americans, hard workers, never take a plane, maybe they use their car for short trips but in this economy who can afford a plane ticket.
What would be really funny is to pat all the drivers down, after a race, wow, that would get rowdy
If you were Patted down by a nice looking female, would you care being a man?
Are if your Patted down by a nice looking man for all you females would you enjoy that more?
Just some thoughts, maybe you have some better ideas, about all this after all this is a crazy world we live in now, and getting crazier every day.

Just some thinking!

Thanks Tino
A Freelance Photographer/Video Jounalist
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